sebb wrote:
> The source archives mostly agree with the tags, however there are code
> changes in the following files:
> connectors/http11/src/java/org/apache/coyote/http11/
> connectors/util/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/
> connectors/util/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/http/

That happens automatically as part of the build process and is expected.

> [I can provide a diff listing if required]

No need, I know exactly what has changed in those files.

> Unfortunately, I think I have found another problem, which is that the
> README file needs to mention the TSU exception:
> [This presumably applies to all the later Tomcat versions as well]
> Sorry, I should have noticed this before as IMO it is a release blocker.

Having read, it makes clear
 that this requirement is <quote>self imposed</quote>. Therefore I
propose that we take a little bit of latitude and do the following
(assuming this gets the votes to pass)
- include the text in the announcement e-mail
- add the text to the README (post tag)
- put the updated README in the download directory (currently it just
includes the release notes)

I think this meets the spirit of our self-imposed requirement without
needing to re-roll the release.

What I will do is update those read me files now, so the changes are in
place for the next releases.

> There ought really to be NOTICE files alongside the LICENSE files in
> the jasper and servletapi SVN trees (SVN is a form of distribution).

I think that is a grey area. I see where you are coming from but I don't
propose to do anything about this for the 4.1.40 release. Post the svn
re-org that will follow the final 4.1.x release, we can revisit that.


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