The Servlet EG is starting to discuss changes to the Servlet API for
3.1. It would be useful if the option existed to implement some of these
changes in Tomcat trunk. The benefits of this are:
- we can see how feasible the API changes are to implement
- users can try out the new APIs (assuming we do a Tomcat 8 alpha release)

Therefore, after the next Tomcat 7 release, I would like to do the
- Copy tomcat/trunk to tomcat/tc7.0.x/trunk
- Start making Servlet API changes to tomcat/trunk

Assuming that there are no objections to that plan, that leads to a
couple of other questions.

1. Should tomcat/tc7.0.x/trunk be RTC or CTR?

2. With tomcat/trunk becoming the basis for Tomcat 8, I would like to
see earlier and more frequent alpha/beta releases than we had for Tomcat
7. That would increase the effective number of versions we are
supporting. With that in mind, should we announce end of support for
5.5.x with the last release expected in ~12 months time?


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