On 15/02/2012 03:53, Costin Manolache wrote:
> Uploaded another take.
> This time I'm just adding
> https://github.com/costinm/tomcat/blob/trunk/java/org/apache/tomcat/util/net/LightHandler.java
> which is just a Handler - like AjpConnectionHandler,
> Http11ConnectionHandler.
> I believe this is as close to Endpoint intent as it can be - given this is
> a protocol at the same level with Ajp or http11.
> The only thing special is that the Endpoint must have both the regular
> Http11ConnectionHandler and a SpdyHandler - and chose one or the other
> based on TLS negotiation result.
> Sorry for not providing enough background: SPDY as specified and
> implemented by browsers only works over TLS, and only if the server
> negotiates it using the NPN TLS extension ( which only works for openssl -
> so APR ). Firefox doesn't support any 'non secure' mode, Chrome can be
> started with some parameters (--use-spdy=no-compress,no-ssl), but won't be
> able to connect to google or other spdy servers.

Ah. That explains quite a few things. I was beginning to get that
impression but the draft specs I was looking at didn't make that clear
at all.

> I added it to the JIO endpoint for testing - and because I believe it is a
> great protocol for internal server-to-server connections, in which case no
> browser is involved and you can set it without ssl ( and without the header
> compression, which is another requirement ).

Thanks. The fog is starting to lift now.

>>> On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 9:36 AM, Mark Thomas <ma...@apache.org> wrote:

> I hope the new interface does - it's just a small extension to Handler (
> the main method is
> present in all other protocol implementations )

I haven't had a chance to look at it yet but I wanted to respond to the
rest of your points.

>> Does it need the socket or are input and output streams sufficient?
> It needs the APR socket to call JNI getNPN.
> I could make it work with the UpgradeAprProtocol eventually (making the
> socket available),
> but it feels more complex and intrusive, there are too many extra things.

Fair enough. It may be that UpgradeXXXProtocol ends up extending the
LightProtocol. Given the relative complexities / baggage if anything
extends anything that seems the way to go right now (keeping in mind I
haven't looked at your new code at all yet).

> Processor is tied to one request/response - Spdy protocol is a multiplexing
> protocol, so one spdy connection will have 100s of Requests.
> I am using Processor interface for each muxed spdy stream.

Hmm. I wonder if we need a different name than Processor just to clarify
the difference? But that is more a cosmetic issue.

> Plus - both are quite rich objects. I think it's worth using a smaller
> interface
> ( i.e. Endpoint.Handler with few extra extensions).

I'd be prepared to trade a little bit of extra baggage (as I have with
much of the connector refactoring) to increase commonality between
components and reduce code duplication. What that means for SPDY I don't
know yet. Again, I need to look at your latest proposal. This is more a
general statement of the compromises I am happy making for easier

> I don't think the LightHandler will affect the rest of the protocol code -
> it is pretty well separated, doesn't leak into coyote.

Let me look at the latest proposal.

> The main point is that SPDY is selected after the TLS hanshake.
> ( with the benefit of saving one roundtrip - which is needed for websocket
> upgrade).

As above, this dependency wasn't clear to me based on what I read.
Things make a lot more sense now.

>>> Also: the current upgrade is quite heavy, it holds Requet/Response and a
>>> bunch of
>>> buffers.
>> No it doesn't. Take another look at the code. The original
>> implementation did but as I stated at the time my intention was to do
>> some further refactoring to fix that. That refactoring has been complete
>> (and is what resulted in the API changes I was referring to previously).
> Yes, much better now ! ( but still I don't think it's the best fit ).

Thanks. Suggestions for improvements welcome.

> I would be happy to use the interfaces for websocket-over-spdy.


>> Having skimmed the latest SPDY draft spec at this point, it looks more
>> like a protocol switch would be required rather than running WebSocket
>> over SPDY. The protocols look to have a lot in common and I'm not sure I
>> see the point of running WebSocket over SPDY.
> The point is that one TCP connection ( and more important - one TLS
> handshake )
> is used for all websocket and GET/POST requests for a site.
> If you have a page that uses websocket - and also has many resources, uses
>  ajax, etc - it'll end up as a single long-lived TCP connection for all of
> them.

Got it.

> SPDY can't be used with NIO -  JSSE doesn't have the 'next protocol
> negotiation'
> extension which is required by SPDY.

Again, got it.

>> That assumes that there is only a single TCP connection between HTTPD
>> and Tomcat. I'm not sure how valid that would be given that HTTPD is
>> typically multiple processes and that most production configurations I
>> see have multiple HTTPDs and multiple Tomcats that all talk to each
>> other. Whether there would be enough connections to justify NIO I don't
>> know.
> I don't mind adding the 'intranet'/server-to-server to NIO - but I would
> first wait to see real proxies or frontends that use spdy.

Works for me.

>> It isn't completely clear to me - even after looking through your patch
>> - how a SPDY connection is initiated. Could you provide pointers to the
>> starting points for non-TLS and TLS connections?
> If you use a browser - TomcatAprHandler, the key is:
> SSLExt.checkNPN(socket, SpdyContext.SPDY_NPN)
> If TLS negotiated spdy -> the AprSpdyFramer ( which implements Handler )
> will
> be used, and the normal http handler will be skipped.

Thanks. That will help.

> For non-SSL ( JIO, and apr without ssl ) -> SPDY just kicks in on all
> connections,

Ah. Light dawns. Do you see a requirement for non-SSL connections to be
able to use HTTP or SPDY in the same way SSL ones can? For the proxy use
case, an assumption of all SPDY seems valid.

> this is just a short-cut for testing. I could also define a SpdyProtocol
> and set it
> directly on the connector - but seems too much overhead for something that
> is testing/experimental.



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