On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 4:34 AM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Mark,
> On 8/15/13 6:47 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> > This isn't going to be quite as simple as I first thought.
> >
> > The WebSocket client API requires Java SE 7 or later.
> > The WebSocket server API requires Java EE 6 or later.
> > Java EE 6 requires Java 6 or later.
> Clarification: are you saying that Java EE requires that it be allowed
> to run on JVMs as low as Java 6?
> > The WebSocket server API depends on the WebSocket client API.
> >
> > The WebSocket client implementation makes extensive use of new Java 7
> > non-blocking IO features.
> Are any of these possible (albeit with some back-flips) with Java 6?
> Perhaps one class (Java7NioShims) could be replaced with another
> implementation (Java6NioShim) at runtime depending upon the current JVM?
> I know nothing about the code involved... just stabbing in the dark.
> > My conclusion from the above is that the back-port is going to require
> > Java 7. That begs the question how to do that while keeping the main
> > build Java 6 based.
> >
> > My (untested) plan is as follows:
> > - Create a WebSocket module
> > - Back-port (i.e. copy) the trunk code to that module
> > - Build just that module with Java 7
> > - Make the minimum changes necessary to get it to work
> > - Modify the back-ported SCI so it only adds the filter if Java 7 is
> > detected (going to need to ensure the SCI is executable on Java 6)
> > - Ship Tomcat 7 with the WebSocket JARs
> I'm not sure there's a better way, but the whole
> compile-one-module-with-a-higher-version thing has been a small thorn in
> the past (IIRC, Tomcat 6 had to be built with Java 6, but could be run
> with Java 5) causing a mild amount of confusion. If this could be
> avoided, I think it might be best.
> Maybe we could package JSR-356-for-Tomcat7 as an optional module that
> has a Java 7 prerequisite?

+1 for making it optional and Java 7 dependent in Tomcat 7
Keep it simple if possibble
Java 7 is slowly adopted in productive environments anyway. One reason is

> -chris

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