Welcome, Fausto!  We are glad to have you.  A great way to get started is
to read our contributors pages which explain how we do things and how you
can jump in and make a difference.   Here is the link:


If you have any questions, please ask on this list. We are here to help!


On Sat, Jan 19, 2019 at 10:33 AM Fausto Arredondo <fausto.arr...@gmail.com>

> Hello ,
> I'm very excited to be part of this community, please tell me how can i
> help you ?
> I'm a Java developer , i`ve been working on TI  for the last 4 years .
> Know  about Java JMS, Spring , WebServices REST / SOAP ,JPA , EJB , CDI ,
> Infinispan , AMQ
> ServiceMix .
> Servers : Weblogic , Payara
> I 'm preparing myself to become a Java Architect , i do not have any
> certifications yet.
> I  like to learn by reading and seeing others developers code.
> I like to participate on big or small interesting projects.
> Thank you hope to hear from you soon,

Richard Monson-Haefel

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