Hello Richard,

First of all, thank you very much for these updates, and a big thanks
to Markus for his major contribution !

To answer your question, I beleive that indeed a Milestone 2 release
end of June would be perfect timing on my side to run many tests on
(relatively) various uses of TomEE.

However, I'm not sure that rollbacking to latest stable CXF would be a
good idea - unless we plan to turn Millestone 2 into a released
version within short time after Milestone 2. If we are not in such
hurry, then I tend to prefer to use TomEE 10 Milestone 2 with on-going
CXF release that will eventually be used in final TomEE 10, so as to
help CXF community to get feedbacks through TomEE 10 Milestone 2

That's my 2 cents !


Le mer. 12 juin 2024 à 06:17, Richard Zowalla <rich...@zowalla.com> a écrit :
> Hi all,
> Here is a new update on TomEE 10.
> Markus Jung has implemented the missing part of the EE10 security spec: [1] 
> and the TCK for it looks good. Thanks a lot for that contribution! If anybody 
> wants to give it a review, you find it here: [1]
> We have updated most MicroProfile specs to be compliant with MP6 and the TCK 
> for it looks good.
> The only MicroProfile implementation missing is OpenTelemetry 1.0 [2] (and 
> the removal of OpenTracing). There is a branch with a basic integration 
> (TOMEE-4343) but while working on it, I found something odd, which I did 
> discuss with Romain via Slack. The result is [3]. I hope to get some 
> additional input from Mark Struberg on it, so we can hopefully find a way to 
> fix the odd CDI part here. Overall, the related TCK has around 4-5 which are 
> (most likely) a result of [3] because the interceptor is not working as 
> expected.
> Since we are more and more in a (better) EE10 shape, we need to go back into 
> fixing/adding the existing/remaining TCKs inside the TomEE build to see, if 
> we need to do some work in our upstream dependencies. I am planning to send 
> an update for that area soon, so we get an overview of what is already added 
> and what is broken / missing,
> We are blocked by a release of CXF 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT.
> We should (imho) discuss, if it is worth to release a M2 with a downgrade to 
> the latest stable CXF release since we added new features (MicroProfile 
> updates, potentially OIDC soon) and upgraded a lot of 3rd party CVEs. So from 
> my POV it would be crucial to get some feedback on a new milestone release. 
> Gruß
> Richard
> [1] https://github.com/apache/tomee/pull/1178
> [2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TOMEE-4343
> [1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OWB-1441

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