Thorsten Behrens wrote:

> Mathias Bauer wrote:
>> So if you could explain how bjam (or any other make system that 
>> someone wants to suggest here) solves our problems or why the 
>> problems that require bjam to be resolved are even bigger than 
>> those we try to fix, we might be able to get somewhere.
> I did that, if you could check my initial posting. Bjoern said he
> profiled gnu make with large enough synthetic rule sets, point is 
> settled for the while, I'd say.

OK, so I misunderstood your intention for mentioning bjam.

>> You can find most of our findings, discussions etc. in the wiki (I have
>> posted the link several times) or in Björn's and my blogs.
> Nothing we're discussing here except Bjoern's initial blog from
> Friday, sorry Mathias. This is not to criticize anybody, just
> pointing out that, when such things are announced after-the-fact,
> many of the stupid ideas & questions that have probably been
> resolved internally before, will crop up in the public discussion
> again.

Do you really believe that posting the "stupid ideas and questions"
would have prevented that they crop up in the public discussion? :-)

>> Björn also will post some more data about GNU make investigations
>> soon. They never were planned to be "internal findings", but 
>> posting them without prior explanation wouldn't have made sense 
>> and even now they don't add anything to the discussion we wanted 
>> to start. The topic is not "can GNU make do that", but "do we have
>> the right goals" and "GNU make can reach the goals, which other 
>> tools can do it also or perhaps even better".
> Understood. I pretty much agree with the goals, assume you did your
> due diligence on verifying that gnu make does not trip over on the
> full input set (that was my point of cautioning you, with the bjam
> story), and am now trying to explore ideas on how to make the actual
> makefiles appealing - the current state is not convincing, just
> plainly because they're not substantially different from the ideal
> dmake makefile in the existing system - and with their redundancies,
> will suffer the same bitrot as the old system.
Sounds good. :-)
Any improvement would be welcome.


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