bjoern michaelsen - Sun Microsystems - Hamburg Germany wrote:
> >  # loads cxxflags, weird sw include setup etc.
> >  include sw_defaults 
> Here you will either need to use dirty tricks or you will clash in a
> global namespace, because you would like these defaults to be applied
> to msword and others in sw, but not the others.
That's exactly why I wonder if we should have a level of abstraction
above naked gnu makefiles - i.e. a DSL that gets translated into

> > And in fact inescapable, ~every implementation will leak under its
> > abstractions. So I guess you're rather arguing for having only _one_
> > implementation - which is not obtainable in a cross-platform,
> > opensource project. ;)
> No, I am all for (according to the Zen of Python):
> "There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."
Zen is nice, Python even more so, but let's face reality - the world
out here is not homogeneous (and not a single version for every used
tool) at all.


-- Thorsten

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