Replies below:

On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 9:37 AM Dave Neuman <> wrote:
> I do think that we will have to probably put some thought into when we
> determine an API is "stable" and what that process looks like.  It is a
> little uncomfortable to just leave that as a gut feel type thing, but I
> understand that it is also very hard to put more rules/processes around
> something that is pretty subjective.

I think if our general guideline is to only make breaking changes when
absolutely necessary for a new feature being added (i.e. we can't just
add a new optional field with a default for some reason or adding new
routes that tie into existing routes would make the API too unwieldy),
then we should just look at what we have planned on our roadmaps for
the next 6-12 months or so. If there is anything that sticks out as
needing a breaking API change, then perhaps we hold off on stabilizing
until we get that breaking change into the unstable API. Or, if the
API version has already been unstable for a certain amount of time,
perhaps we would stabilize it even if we have breaking changes on the

On Tue, Sep 7, 2021 at 9:58 AM Robert O Butts <> wrote:
> I'm concerned that using this "unstable" version makes it impossible to
> upgrade in-place.
> Because if a client (cache config, Traffic Monitor, random ops scripts,
> etc) uses it, and a breaking change is made, if you upgrade Traffic Ops
> first you'll break all clients, and if you upgrade clients first, they'll
> try to talk to TO and get 200's but the data will be malformed.

I understand your concern about upgrading, but in reality it's still
possible to upgrade components that use the unstable API version. It
will just require more coordination than upgrading components that use
the stable API. Plus, keep in mind, it's not like every single
breaking change to the unstable API automatically breaks every client
of the unstable API. Only clients using the particular route(s) being
broken in the unstable API would require coordination to upgrade.

> Worse, it seems like this isn't obvious. Which makes it a pretty big
> footgun, if ATC operators use the "beta" API in their production CDN
> without realizing they just made it impossible to upgrade.

If we declare a certain API version unstable, ATC operators should
understand the risks of using it, just like there are risks involved
in using the API in general. Using the API to make changes is
generally a last-resort option when making the same changes in the UI
would take much longer. Using the UI is generally the much safer
option since it has a lot more built-in safeties (confirmations, form
validation, etc) than the API, but in the case where ATC operators
absolutely need the new features in the unstable API and can't use the
UI instead, they will have to take that risk.

> On the other hand, I'm not seeing the big development savings. -- 60,000 lines of
code just to add a new major TO API version is a pretty big savings,
and that is not even counting all of the "if version == x"
conditionals that have to clutter the code to handle multiple API
versions. The fewer version-specific conditionals we have to deal with
in the code, the easier it is to develop and the less bug-prone it is.

> Since using it makes it impossible to upgrade,
> this means all production CDNs will have to wait 2 major versions for new
> features.

Again, this is a false statement. CDNs will have access to unstable
features via the API immediately upon release, and if certain
components need new changes in the unstable API, their upgrades may
need to be coordinated with the TO upgrade. Since `t3c` uses a large
percentage of the API currently and will most likely need to use the
unstable API, most of its upgrade concerns will be alleviated by the
addition of Cache Config Snapshots. The Cache Config Snapshots API
will generally always be stable in that the JSON snapshot will only
have fields added in a backwards-compatible manner. We should never
make a breaking change to a snapshot, and in general we never really
have (at least for the CRConfig snapshot that I know of). So with
Cache Config Snapshots, `t3c` will always have access to new features
right away and won't have to use the unstable API. Hopefully that
alleviates some of your upgrade concerts with respect to `t3c`. Most
other ATC components use a much smaller percentage of the API and
generally don't always need to use the latest API version.

- Rawlin

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