On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Simon Laws <simonsl...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> snip...
> >
> > TUSCANY-2167 was caused by the base policy modules including WS binding
> > policy and dragging in some WS dependencies wasn't it? So thats fixed now
> > and isn't any issue with merging binding-ws-axis2-policy in the
> > binding-ws-axis2 module is it?
> >
> >    ...ant
> >
> >
> I made most of these changes and, at the time, the reason was two fold.
> - relate binding specific polices to those bindings. Hence
> binding-ws-axis2-policy which has axis2 specific code in but used to
> be something like policy-ws which wasn't particularly obvious.
> - allow policy jars to be deployed independently of the binding (or
> implementation) runtime jars which they affect. In this way a user who
> wants to change the default behaviour has a clear place to go to make
> the change rather than messing about inside the runtime jar.
> Simon

You said "...at the time..." does that mean things have changed and now we
could merge these at this time? I think these ones could be just packages in
the runtime module and that would keep things separate and obvious enough,
these aren't pluggable modules as the -runtime module directly news up
classes from the -policy module so i can't see any reasons for keeping the
code in a separate module now.


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