On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Yang Lei <yl.yangle...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was trying to use Deploper to load contribution and iterate the deployable
> composites' contents. The composite returned does not have any components
> returned. The only thing loaded is the composite name. I would like to
> understand how I should be using Deployer to get the composite with the
> right content.
> Thanks for advise.
> The following method is added in
> sample-contribution-binding-sca-calculator's CalculatorTestCase
> public void testDeployer() throws Exception{
> ExtensionPointRegistry registry =
> new DefaultExtensionPointRegistry();
> Deployer deployer =
> new DeployerImpl(registry);
> deployer.start();
> Monitor monitor = (Monitor)deployer.createMonitor();
> org.apache.tuscany.sca.contribution.Contribution contribution =
> deployer.loadContribution( new URI("ABC"),new URL(location), monitor);
> Composite composite = contribution.getDeployables().get(0);
> System.
> out.println("Compsite Name:"+composite);
> for (Component c: composite.getComponents())
> System.
> out.println(c.getName());
> }
> The output:
> Compsite Name:Composite (name={http://sample}Calculator)
> --
> Thanks. Yang.

How are you defining the deployable ? Do you have a sca-contribution.xml ?

Luciano Resende

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