We have identified the need of having the following types of environments:

- a place where to keep new modules or samples (contrib/)
- a place where to move the new code in order to get built regularly in
order to be able to monitor it's state and ensure doesn't get broken by
latest trunk/ changes (unreleased/)
- a place where to keep released modules and their latest fixes/improvements
- a place where to copy code from the main development area in order to
experiment things which might break the build (sandbox/<personal folder>)

As a conclusion, code can be moved on the following paths contrib/ ->
unreleased/ -> trunk/ and sandbox/ <-> trunk/.

Currently, the unreleased/ folder is under trunk/ and there have been
discussions about taking it out of trunk/ at the same level with /contrib
and trunk/. The advantages would be that it would make trunk smaller and
easier to build without the new modules and their dependencies. The
disadvantages would be loosing the ability to check out trunk/ and
unreleased/ in one piece and the convenience this brings inside the
development environment. Either way Hudson will be set to build the
unreleased folder/ but not fail the trunk/ build and snapshot deployment if
unreleased/ fails.

After we agree on the above point, it might be a good thing having written
down the purpose of the folders in a README file or in the Developing
Tuscany section on the website so that it will be clear and we can start
gaining the consistency we want.

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