On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 12:34 PM, Simon Nash <n...@apache.org> wrote:
> Florian MOGA wrote:
>> We have identified the need of having the following types of environments:
>> - a place where to keep new modules or samples (contrib/)
>> - a place where to move the new code in order to get built regularly in
>> order to be able to monitor it's state and ensure doesn't get broken by
>> latest trunk/ changes (unreleased/)
>> - a place where to keep released modules and their latest
>> fixes/improvements (trunk/)
>> - a place where to copy code from the main development area in order to
>> experiment things which might break the build (sandbox/<personal folder>)
>> As a conclusion, code can be moved on the following paths contrib/ ->
>> unreleased/ -> trunk/ and sandbox/ <-> trunk/.
>> Currently, the unreleased/ folder is under trunk/ and there have been
>> discussions about taking it out of trunk/ at the same level with /contrib
>> and trunk/. The advantages would be that it would make trunk smaller and
>> easier to build without the new modules and their dependencies. The
>> disadvantages would be loosing the ability to check out trunk/ and
>> unreleased/ in one piece and the convenience this brings inside the
>> development environment. Either way Hudson will be set to build the
>> unreleased folder/ but not fail the trunk/ build and snapshot deployment if
>> unreleased/ fails.
> There are other advantages of having the unreleased code in trunk and
> in the default top-level trunk build.
> 1. Having it in trunk makes it clear that it's part of trunk and that
>   people making changes to trunk need to take account of any impact
>   that their changes have on this code.
> 2. Having it in the default build (not just the Hudson build) makes it
>   immediately obvious if something is broken and requires people to
>   take positive action to correct or work around the problem.

I'm -1 on having this in the default build. That wont fit well with
the way i develop in Tuscany or how i have my IDE setup, nor will it
allow the nightly build to work regardless (as commented in [1]) nor
does it match what was suggested earlier at [2]. If there's code that
everyone should be building and making sure doesn't get broken then
put it in trunk proper, if at release time you don't want that
something released for some reason then just delete it from the
release branch.


[1] http://apache.markmail.org/message/q6vnd5ynjezah7ld
[2] http://apache.markmail.org/message/uvusqmubd4oudang

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