Maybe it's time to take a decision so we all know where we're heading. From
what I see we've got 2 options:

1/ do the release now according to Mike's suggestion
2/ discuss documentation and sample structure and launchers, review and
update all samples accordingly, do the release

I tend to go with 1/ as it gives us the possibility to do more frequent
releases, to incrementally improve the quality of our samples and doesn't
imply a big effort which we don't afford at the moment. However, I'm not
opposing to 2/ if everybody else agrees on this option as I'm not directly
affected if the release is shipped in 1 week or 1 month.

On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 10:39 AM, ant elder <> wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 8:43 PM, Florian Moga <> wrote:
> > I gave it a try and it found the same problem. It looks like it is not
> > expected that the junit jar to be specified amongst dependencies but in
> the
> > $ANT_HOME/lib folder... I've added the build.test.classpath to the
> > test-junit-present target and tests are working now.
> >   <target name="test-junit-present">
> >     <available classname="junit.framework.Test" property="junit.present">
> > <classpath refid="build.test.classpath"/>
> >     </available>
> >   </target>
> > After that, at the package target I'm getting "maven-build.xml:250:
> > Attributes must have name and value" and I cannot find what it's all
> about.
> >
> That updated test-junit-present target fixes it for me and everything
> seems to run fine and I don't get any of those problems with the
> attributes that you see. The plugin doc makes it sound like that junit
> issue might be expected behavior but it seems like a bug to me or at
> least something that should be a plugin config option.
>   ...ant

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