I added in a few "running tuscany" samples to see if we can get those
right. Things of note:

- There are a small set now. We can complete the set if people are happy
- I've added the minimum function required. So, for example,  there is
no ant build/run script under the JSE sample. That would go under an
Ant sample
- I've converted READMEs to OO format as per the top level but
generated linked HTML instead of PDF. Looks OK but there is a
potential maintenance overhead in the linking. If we like OO we could
generate a template for the sample docs.
- Some only have READMEs in at the moment. Again that's OK by me and
it seems appropriate to try to be complete
- There are repeats here when compared to getting started. Again it
seems appropriate to have a complete set here
- I've put a binary test contribution in the running-tuscany directory
rather than relying on some other sample module. This may not work for
all the samples and we do need to code somewhere. Looking to see how
far we can get with it.


Apache Tuscany committer: tuscany.apache.org
Co-author of a book about Tuscany and SCA: tuscanyinaction.com

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