On Wed, Jul 13, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Mike Edwards
<mike.edwards.inglen...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/07/2011 21:44, Raymond Feng wrote:
>> Don't we prefer to use a JAX-WS based implementation as the default
>> binding-ws-runtime?
>> Thanks,
>> Raymond
>> /________________________________________________________________
> Folks,
> No problem with the renaming - but as for preferring the JAX-WS impl, I
> don't agree with that - the Axis binding implementation is the "complete"
> one at the moment - and is very much the route for the various policy
> options including security and reliable messaging.
> Why would a JAX-WS implementation be a better way to go?

The main advantage of it is that its included in Java SE so there are
no other external dependencies which makes it very easy to use.

But I agree the Axis2 one is much more complete and seems a better
choice. There are quite a lot of issues with the JAXWS RI based one,
i'd be surprised if anyone is using it for more than simple helloworld
demo type things.


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