2.9.0 rc1

signatures OK

compare source-release with svn - OK

build from source (after clearing .m2 of uima-as folders)
  won't build with Java 8 and -Papache-release because of javadoc errors
  OK with Java 7

installed from Eclipse update site location OK, made an ae descriptor and a
deployment descriptor that ref'd it.

issues fixed: 1 missed issue not updated in Jira, missing in issues-fixed report
UIMA-5189.  This has been corrected in Jira.  The fix is in the release; just
the issues-fixed report
is missing this.

README - 2 minor issues, including a wrong url pointer to 2.8.1 release


The file LicNoticeAnalysisActiveMQ.txt was not updated with the current set of
activity around getting the licenses and notices in order.  Last update was for
ActiveMQ rel 5.12.1, now using 5.14.0

License and notice files in the binary and source OK

Spot check: Maven artifacts - OK

To summarize, the minor issues with this RC, from the this thread, are:
  1) small bug in error message when version mismatch between uima-as and core 
  2) issue UIMA-5189 missing from issues fixed; would be noted in the release
  3) README has pointer to 2.8.1 info for uima jiras, instead of 2.9.0
  4) NOTICE file has wrong copyright end date.

These seem minor enough to me to not block this release, but it would be good to
fix them going forward.  What do others think?


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