Hi, how about cleaning up the branches and settings up some conventions?
E.g. master - primary target for new feature PRs (3.1.x) - *protected* branch maintenance/** - prefix for maintenance branches, bugfix updates for already released versions. Having this as a common prefix facilitates *protecting* all maintenance branches e.g. from force-pushes maintenance/2.10.x - maintenance branch for 2.10.x maintenance/3.0.x - maintenance branch for 3.0.x (in case we wanted to do that...) bugfix/** - prefix to be used for PRs that contain bug fixes (not protected) target of such PRs is usually one of the maintenance branches feature/** - prefix to be used for PRs that contain new features or refactorings (not protected) target for such PRs is usually master I see there is current a "master-v2" branch. I'd tend towards filing that as "maintenance/2.11.x". Cheers, -- Richard