The Jira used for moving uimaj to git has these bits of information.

1) The git repos exist in 2 places.  One is on GitHub.  The other is on git
system run by apache, at the url  

   1a) the name of the repo follows the naming conventions used for svn:
following the machine address, comes /repos/asf/<name-of-your-git-repo>   so for

2) The convention for repo names seems to be <pmc-name>-<project-name> .  So we
have now in git:

    uima-uimaj, and uima-uimafit 

3) Both of these repos (github and gitbox.apache...) can be used as git
remotes.  GitHub comes with github extras - such as issues (we don't use, we use
jira).  I'm not sure if git pull requests are available on gitbox.apache.

4) There is a github team (probably replicated at gitbox.apache) which is
automatically populated from the list of committers on uima for those members
who have linked their github account via

5) Additional meta information about uima's use of git is in the "organization"
on github:   here you can see teams, see what teams you're
on, see who's a member of the uima team.  Remember - you won't find yourself on
the uima team until you link your github id with your apache id (see (4) ).

If you received an email from apache infrastructure automation after linking
your github id, it might say (like mine did)

"You’ve been added to the uima committers team for the The Apache Software
Foundation organization. uima committers has 7 members and gives *read* access
to 2 apache repositories."

I'm pretty sure there's a big typo here - the gives *read* access should say
gives *write* access.


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