hey folks,

you probably noticed that i just checked in a new example app for
VelocityTools to replace the "layout" example.  this is something i've
been thinking of doing for years, and finally got around to doing.

basically, it provides demonstrations (most of which are interactive)
of all the Generic and VelocityView tools we have.  there is certainly
plenty of room for improvement in the usefulness of the examples, but
i figured it was time to get it out and see what ya'll think.

if some of you were willing to check it out and give it a test run,
i'd love to get some feedback.

It's easy:
- check out the latest revision of VelocityTools from svn
- run 'ant showcase'
- follow the instructions printed out at the end


p.s. VelocityView and the Generic Tools are largely ready for a 1.3
release.  if anyone wants to help me get 1.3 out the door, i'd love
some help updating the VelocityStruts dependencies and making sure
VelocityStruts is fully compatible with the Struts 1.3.x series.
(Marino?)  Please note that with Tiles going independent as a TLP and
Struts 2.x soon on the way, the future of VelocityStruts beyond
VelocityTools 1.3 is very much in question.

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