I think the first challenge is to discover recursion. I was thinking
about discovering recursion when a macro call is being executed.

When the node tree is rendered lets say at some point it reaches a
macro. At this point, if I can keep track of whether children of this
node calls the same macro again before the original call finishes, I
will be able to discover recursion.

I have tried this method in several places i.e. ASTDirectve.render and
VelocimacroProxy.render by keeping track of the state in ASTDirective
class and VelocimacroProxy class. First time render method is called
by a Macro invocation I kept the status in a private variable and when
the next call occurs I checked this variable to see weather the
previous macro call is completed. But then I realized that objects
from these classes are created every time a call occurs to a macro. So
I cannot keep track of the macro calling state in these classes.


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