As you might observe, the quantity of Weex's users is huge, and there are
around 15 to 20 new Github issues every week. It's a lot of work for me to
verify, response and fix the issues especially some of them are in low
quality. For example, it took me 3 hours to read all the new issues and
close the one without reproduce procedure and verify other issues existing.

I am really curious about how other Apache projects handle Github Issues.
Is Github Issues like grass that you must weed every week?

And how to encourage users to get more involved, like reading the code and
create PRs instead of simply asking questions on Github? If we could find
promising contributors or committers in our users continually, then we
shall build a more healthy community.

I know there are many projects around Weex, like EEUI[1], EMAS[2], etc..
And I even know there are books about how to write code using Weex. It's
totally fine if one want to create its own community or project based on
Weex, but it would be great if such projects could join the Weex community.


Best Regards,


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