As far as I remember (and please correct me if I'm wrong), support
and updates for Wicket 1.3 were ended rather quickly after the release
of 1.4. That's okay, since the team has limited resources. But it
becomes a pretty serious problem if that means you'll cut off everybody
who can't yet move up to Java 1.6.

Java 1.5 adoption was pretty much everywhere when Wicket moved up to
it. The same is not true for Java 1.6 at this time.


Carl-Eric Menzel
Das neue deutschsprachige Wicketbuch:
 Wicket: Komponentenbasierte Webanwendungen in Java

On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:40:50 +0100
Korbinian Bachl - privat <> wrote:

> 1.5 will be a major one, not minor - so where's the point?
> Best,
> Korbinian
> Carl-Eric Menzel schrieb:
> > Because, from their (admittedly conservative) point of view, you
> > don't move essential systems to a platform before you really know
> > it. Or before your tool vendor finally manages to update their
> > product to be compatible with 1.5. These are organizations that
> > have to be extremely careful. Why do you think Sun is still
> > offering paid support for 1.5? 
> > 
> > It doesn't really matter why they are sticking with 1.5, however.
> > What really matters is this: There are organizations for whom
> > stability in the core is more important than having the new
> > features. At the same time, however, they want to be able to update
> > less essential things like a GUI framework for as long as possible.
> > If you tell them now they won't be able to use Wicket after the
> > next minor(!) release and won't get any support for the old
> > version, they'll go ahead and use Struts. Okay, that last one is
> > maybe a bit exaggerated, but you get what I mean.
> > 
> > Carl-Eric
> > 

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