I have no clue on how many are on java 6 or java 5 or even java 4. It
would be very nice to see some metrics, so it will be clear on how
many potential wicketeers are being cut off if wicket goes java 1.6.

On the other hand it could be a "benefit" if wicket upgraded to 1.6,
some are probably just waiting for a good reason to upgrade.

And those who are not wouldn't probably upgrade from wicket 1.4 to 1.5 either.

regards Nino

2009/12/15 Martijn Dashorst <martijn.dasho...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Carl-Eric Menzel <cmen...@wicketbuch.de> 
> wrote:
>> And additionally, I think there was an extremely good case for Wicket
>> going to Java 1.5: Generic Models. What is the case to require Java 1.6
>> for Wicket core? Is it really problematic to keep that to a separate
>> feature jar?
> I don't have a Java 5 JDK anymore on my system. It was removed by
> Apple. Java 5 has been marked EOL: which essentially means dead.
> deceased. terminated. passed on. ceased to be. expired and gone to
> meet 'is maker. a stiff. bereft of life. rests in peace. IT'S AN
> We don't get paid by any corporation to provide support to wicket. If
> your customers want to pay my salary for the next 5 years or so, I'm
> happy to work on Wicket full time and maintain obsolete Java code for
> them. But they won't. They just get stuff for free...
> Martijn

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