On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 14:37:41 +0100
Martijn Dashorst <martijn.dasho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't have a Java 5 JDK anymore on my system. It was removed by
> Apple. Java 5 has been marked EOL: which essentially means dead.
> deceased. terminated. passed on. ceased to be. expired and gone to
> meet 'is maker. a stiff. bereft of life. rests in peace. IT'S AN

I know that, and I completely agree. I would much rather work on 1.6
than anything older, but currently I can't do that. All I'm saying is
that there is a potentially large group of users that won't be able to
follow you/us into 1.6-land any time soon.

> We don't get paid by any corporation to provide support to wicket. If
> your customers want to pay my salary for the next 5 years or so, I'm
> happy to work on Wicket full time and maintain obsolete Java code for
> them. But they won't. They just get stuff for free...

As I said, it's perfectly reasonable for a relatively small team like
the Wicket devs to focus on one version. I'm just pointing out things
that should be known to make a conscious decision.


Carl-Eric Menzel
Das neue deutschsprachige Wicketbuch:
 Wicket: Komponentenbasierte Webanwendungen in Java

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