
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 9:19 AM, Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org>wrote:

> My personal experience is like Martin Sachs' one.
> So far the projects I was working on never used the pre-build rich
> components because they didn't fit the "company standards" either because
> of the used technology or because of the UI mismatch.

But  for other companies having an "official" set of rich components, that
could be easily customized to satisfy not so strict standards, would be a
great plus. Mind that I write "official" meaning by that that they do not
need to be hosted or maintained by core wicket developers but on
a satellite project that is "mentored" by core developers and that follows
the same release schedules that wicket does. The closest thing to that now
is wicket-stuff. But IMHO that project is too open and there are projects
of many different quality levels hosted under the same "umbrella".  So, IMO
a satellite project, where successful-well-maintained-mature projects would
be invited to join in, is needed and it will be welcomed by the community.

> I think the current YUI datetime component needs a change because:
> - it uses YUI 2.x which is no more supported
> - Wicket comes with jQuery by default and using YUI for a widget just
> contributes to the slower responses
> Why I think Apache Wicket doesn't need its own date component ?
> Because there are several out there already (wiquery, wicket-jquery-ui,
> wicket-bootstrap, jqwicket, jwicket, ....)

Not needed to "pollute" core... if some of those projects are invite to
join satellite project.

> Maybe we should adopt some of those ?
> If we decide to do that then we have to invite their developers too because
> at the moment we have no resources to maintain it ourselves.

Few months ago I was in favour of jQueryUI, lately I like Twitter Bootstrap
> more and more, and I'm not sure what new fancy JS UI library will arise
> next year, that's why I think Wicket should not provide "default" UI
> widgets by itself. The above listed libraries do this good enough. Some
> users prefer WiQuery, other - Wicket Bootstrap, third prefer to make their
> own components ...
No need to discard anything useful and good quality....

Regards - Ernesto Reinaldo Barreiro
Antilia Soft
http://antiliasoft.com/ <http://antiliasoft.com/antilia>

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