Hi Martin,

I will collect what has changed and log it out. I can add a property to
auto restart the application as well. The current status of this POC is
unbounded, I only tested it with small apps and I don't know if it will
properly reload page classes for example if we don't reinit the
application. I need to do further testing. If I have enough time this week
end I will try to test it on a bigger application.


Cedric Gatay (@Cedric_Gatay <http://twitter.com/Cedric_Gatay>)
http://code-troopers.com | http://www.bloggure.info | http://cedric.gatay.fr

On Fri, Aug 2, 2013 at 9:20 AM, Michael Mosmann <mich...@mosmann.de> wrote:

> Am 01.08.13 09:55, schrieb Martin Grigorov:
>  Michael,
>> On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 9:48 AM, Michael Mosmann <mich...@mosmann.de>
>> wrote:
>>  Only to be sure.. You know the run-jetty-run eclipse plugin?
>>>  All I know about this project is that Eelco started it.
> I think this project is very usefull. But until its finished there are
> some solutions to take away the pain a little bit:)
>  But looking at their page I see they also recommend DCEVM [1].
>> I use it since a while and I find it helpful.
>> 1.
>> http://blogs.jetbrains.com/**idea/2013/07/get-true-hot-**
>> swap-in-java-with-dcevm-and-**intellij-idea/<http://blogs.jetbrains.com/idea/2013/07/get-true-hot-swap-in-java-with-dcevm-and-intellij-idea/>
> cool :)
> will try this..

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