
Wicket 6.x is no more supported.
Wicket 7.x is the current security maintaince branch.

Your options are:
- patch locally
- upgrade to a newer version

On Wed, Aug 10, 2022 at 6:17 PM Daniel Stoch <daniel.st...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there any JIRA issue for this? I tried to find but none issue in Wicket
> JIRA points directly to CVE-2020-11976.
> One possible candidate to me is WICKET-6792 :). Am I right? If yes, this is
> already fixed also for Wicket 6.31.0, can you release this version?
> --
> Best regards,
> Daniel Stoch
> pon., 10 sie 2020 o 18:23 <svenme...@apache.org> napisał(a):
> > Severity: Important
> >
> > Vendor:
> > The Apache Software Foundation
> >
> > Versions Affected:
> > Apache Wicket 7.16.0, 8.8.0 and 9.0.0-M5
> >
> > Description:
> >
> > By crafting a special URL it is possible to make Wicket deliver
> > unprocessed HTML templates.
> > This would allow an attacker to see possibly sensitive information
> > inside a HTML template that is usually removed during rendering.
> > For example if there are credentials in the markup which are never
> > supposed to be visible to the client:
> >
> >    <wicket:remove>
> >       some secret
> >    </wicket:remove>
> >
> > The application developers are recommended to upgrade to:
> > - Apache Wicket 7.17.0
> > <http://wicket.apache.org/news/2020/07/20/wicket-7.17.0-released.html>
> > - Apache Wicket 8.9.0
> > <http://wicket.apache.org/news/2020/07/15/wicket-8.9.0-released.html>
> > - Apache Wicket 9.0.0
> > <http://wicket.apache.org/news/2020/07/15/wicket-9-released.html>
> >
> > Credit:
> > The vulnerability has been found and reported by Mariusz Popławski from
> > Afine.
> >
> > Apache Wicket Team
> >

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