This is a vote to release Apache Wicket 9.13.0

Please download the source distributions found in our staging area
linked below.

I have included the signatures for both the source archives. This vote
lasts for 72 hours minimum.

[ ] Yes, release Apache Wicket 9.13.0
[ ] No, don't release Apache Wicket 9.13.0, because ...

Distributions, changelog, keys and signatures can be found at:

Staging repository:

The binaries are available in the above link, as are a staging
repository for Maven. Typically the vote is on the source, but should
you find a problem with one of the binaries, please let me know, I can
re-roll them some way or the other.

Staging git repository data:

    Branch:      build/wicket-9.13.0
    Release tag: rel/wicket-9.13.0


    CHANGELOG for 9.13.0:

** Bug

    * [WICKET-7005] - ByteBuddy IllegalStateException: Cannot inject already loaded type     * [WICKET-7022] - JavaScriptStripper fails to detect regular expression correctly     * [WICKET-7028] - CSP header not rendered when using RedirectPolicy.NEVER_REDIRECT
    * [WICKET-7034] - WebSocket.Closed event not fired when error occurred
    * [WICKET-7037] - [Ajax Download] cookie used to track download complete misses the SameSite attribute     * [WICKET-7044] - Images in the Wicket 9.x reference guide are not displayed.

** Improvement

    * [WICKET-7011] - Improve usage of JUnit 5.x APIs
    * [WICKET-7014] - Use new API for forward compatibility with CDI 4
    * [WICKET-7016] - Support GCM-SIV for page store encryption
    * [WICKET-7017] - ListenerRequestHandler should not hide IndexOutOfBoundsException
    * [WICKET-7021] - Additional OSGi import fixes
    * [WICKET-7025] - Package private methods should be proxied by ByteBuddy
    * [WICKET-7031] - Update to JQuery 3.6.4
    * [WICKET-7032] - Update the JS tests to use latest version of QUnit (2.x)     * [WICKET-7035] - fileCountMax should be added to control the amount of files being uploaded
    * [WICKET-7041] - Reduce allocations when rendering component headers
    * [WICKET-7042] - Improve sizing of StringResponse when writing scripts in PartialPageResponse

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