On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 2:23 PM, Kasun Weranga <kas...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Shall we do the $subject. That is because currently we are facing some
> issues when trying to integrate Cassandra storage handler (available
> externally) into Hive. Since hive uses libthrift 0.7 and Cassandra 1.0.8
> (current carbon version) uses libthrift 0.6, but the problem is
> cassandra-handler needs to communicate with both hive and cassandra so it
> needs to use only one thrift version.
> We need to fix this issue before our first milestone coming in few days.
>  We can overcome this issue easily by upgrading to new cassandra 1.1.0
> version because it uses libthrift 0.7.
> Also we can take the advantage of the new improvements coming with the new
> Cassandra release.
> Shall we do it ?

It is good have the latest Cassandra version with 4.0.0 release.

There are changes done in Cassandra dependency to enable Carbon user
permission scheme which We have to merge with Cassandra 1.1.x. Also we have
to verify dependency library list for possible version conflicts.

It is good to get feed back from MB developers before do this change.



> Thanks,
> KasunW

Deependra Ariyadewa
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