Hai All,

          It does not a matter to change from application/xml to other
valid human/MIME  mediatypes. Code will do the necessary changes. But I
wanted to know whether Do we need to give an error warning message to the
user who does it or not?

Referring to Senaka : This is not a valid convention if it is outside the
_system/governance. That is right. Still I m waiting to his final opinion.

Referring to Eranda : Changing the generic xml file (application/xml- media
type) to WSDL is not relevant or kind of invalid scenario/ not meaningful.
This is what Shelan was said yesterday. But of course it  can be  like what
you said. Eventhough if such have to be, can be done within
_system/governance directory. It is like user first uploads a generic xml
file, then add more relevant information related to Policy and changes to
policy mediatype. [changing the mediatype must be relevant to context, if
some thing goes wrong with the user its upto him/her]

All my concern is to leave it as it is OR give a error message to the user?
How does a user get to know that the governance artifacts must be uploaded
within _system/governance directory ? Did it mention in the documentation?


On Wed, Nov 7, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Eranda Sooriyabandara <era...@wso2.com>wrote:

> Hi Ragu,
>                 There can be a solution to prompt an error
>> message(CarbonUImessage) to the user if he/she changes the mediatype from
>>  application/xml to Policy and click the save button on the metadata panel
>> when the source path does not contain the "_system/governance" string.
>> I did this yesterday. I do have to do some improvement anyway. but it
>> works.
>> But G-reg guys were telling me that this is not a real bug. Since it is a
>> governance artifact it must be governed within governance directory.
>> What shall I do?
> Its not only about policies but wsdls/schemas/etc are xml files where they
> also need to be change their mediatype application/xml to
> application/(wsdl/schema)+xml. Anyway to me the solution is kind of
> over-engineering because of what Senaka mentioned in his mail.
> thanks
> Eranda
> *
> *
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