
Still we do not have jaggery test framework even though there are
considerable jaggery applications were developed. It is not easy maintain
those jaggery applications/APIs steady without testing frame work.

Now onward we will starting $subject as it is important for jaggery as well
as there is no JS testing framework under WSO2 Platform. Testing framework
will be under application level such as mocha, jasmine.  Test frame will be
apply to (basically)test.

   - jaggery API (js functions and arguments )
   - REST APIs that are expose under jaggery application
   - With test coverage reporting

We will be evaluating existing JavaScript test frame works  regard
mocha[1], jasmine[2], Qunit[3], Vows[4],  expresso[5], nodeunit[6] and
jsunit[7]  to $subject.

All suggestions are welcome.

[1] http://visionmedia.github.io/mocha/

[2] http://pivotal.github.io/jasmine/

[3] http://qunitjs.com/

[4] http://vowsjs.org/

[5] http://visionmedia.github.io/expresso/

[6] https://github.com/caolan/nodeunit

[7] https://github.com/pivotal/jsunit

*Madhuka* Udantha
Senior Software Engineer
Development Technologies
WSO2 Inc. : http://wso2.com

*Mobile*: +94774066336
*Blog*: http://madhukaudantha.blogspot.com/
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