Hi Tharindu,

since mongodb driver not having prepared statement support earlier i
developed a logic to support prepared statement but i realized that it has
a limitation such as parameters has to be pass as same order it exists in
prepared statement then as you suggested to use key value relationship
instead of order during our hangout conversation i created a new logic same
to prepared statement in sql and it will work according to key value
relationship and i created standard query format for mongodb with json to
support prepared statements and i rewrite the JDBCRealmConstants class with
those supporting json queries instead of sql queries

All of my prepared statement methods contain in MongoDBPreparedStatement
interface and its implementation in MongoDBPreparedStatementImpl class

All the changes i have pushed to my repo in here[1]

security of this prepared statements has to be improve

I'll be grateful if you can provide me some suggestions to improve it and
also another small issue i having is can i write a DataSource for MongoDB
as in java.sql.DataSource ?


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