Hi Tharindu,

I found the issue after debugging into my code ,my service bundle is not
get activated because i referring into mongodb-driver which is not osgi
comaptible and i just found another library in here[1] and it is worked for
me ,fixed project i pushed into my github repository [2].
i found out that *DefaultRealmService* which is used in Bundle Activator of
JDBCUserstoreManager cannot be used for MongoDB since it used
Is their having any DataSource class like that for MongoDB? or would i have
to create a different logic to implement that scenario in MongoDB?
waiting for your suggestion

[1]. http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/mongodb/mongo-java-driver/3.2.2/
[2]. https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore

On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Asantha Thilina <asanthathil...@gmail.com>

> Hi Tharindu,
> i faced following issue while i developing ,
> after adding my new json query support i didn't able to see My
> MongoDBUserStore in dropdown in create user store option.
> for json related activites i used an external json dependency from here[1]
> and i added it jar to lib folder in IS as well,i have enabled remote
> debugging and inspect my code and there i found in my 
> *MongoDBUserStoreDSComponent
> *class *activate *method triggered but execute 1st line of code only. it
> will not registered the service but in my osgi console window when i run *ss
> mongo* command i get monodb.userstore bundle and mongodb java driver
> bundle are activated successfully i attached my console output and identity
> server output for your consideration as well
> any suggestion would be grateful
> [1]. http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.json/json/20160212
> my github repository
> https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore/tree/master/mongodb.userstoremanager
> Thanks,
> Asantha
> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 2:01 AM, Asantha Thilina <asanthathil...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi Tharindu,
>> since mongodb driver not having prepared statement support earlier i
>> developed a logic to support prepared statement but i realized that it has
>> a limitation such as parameters has to be pass as same order it exists in
>> prepared statement then as you suggested to use key value relationship
>> instead of order during our hangout conversation i created a new logic same
>> to prepared statement in sql and it will work according to key value
>> relationship and i created standard query format for mongodb with json to
>> support prepared statements and i rewrite the JDBCRealmConstants class with
>> those supporting json queries instead of sql queries
>> All of my prepared statement methods contain in MongoDBPreparedStatement
>> interface and its implementation in MongoDBPreparedStatementImpl class
>> All the changes i have pushed to my repo in here[1]
>> security of this prepared statements has to be improve
>> I'll be grateful if you can provide me some suggestions to improve it and
>> also another small issue i having is can i write a DataSource for MongoDB
>> as in java.sql.DataSource ?
>> [1]
>> https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore/tree/master/mongodb.userstoremanager
>> Thanks,
>> Asantha
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