Hi Tharindu,

following is the summary of operations i have implemented up to now and yet
to implement

1. Add new MongoDB User Store - done both case sensitive and intensensitive
2. Add new users to MongoDB user store - done both case sensitive and
3. Add new roles to MongoDB user store - done both case sensitive and
4. Search users and roles - done both case sensitive and intensensitive
5. Assign roles to mongodb user store users - done both case sensitive and
6. Assign users to mongodb user store roles - done both case sensitive and
7. Edit claim values of user profiles  - done both case sensitive and
for those implemented user operations i have added selenium scripts also to
my repo[1] and also i have prepared user guide[2] and administrator
guide[3] also and also i have updated my blog[4] with all my tasks what i
have done and following are the tasks yet to complete

1. implement delete operations
2. implement new profiles adding
3. check for injections possibilities and improve the security of all the
4. prepare full test scripts for all the functions
5. prepare developer guide and database architecture diagrams

expect your feedback

[1]  https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
[4]  http://asanthamax.blogspot.com


On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 12:29 AM, Asantha Thilina <asanthathil...@gmail.com>

> Hi Tharindu,
> I have finished the case insensitive user operations as well and i added
> selenium test scripts for those implemented functions to my repo[1] except
> delete function all the other functions with test script added to my repo[1]
> [1] https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
> Thanks,
> Asantha
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 2:28 AM, Asantha Thilina <asanthathil...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi Tharindu,
>> sure i'll be look forward for the hangout
>> Thanks,
>> Asantha
>> On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 2:22 AM, Tharindu Edirisinghe <tharin...@wso2.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi Asantha,
>>> I will go through the docs and provide feedback soon. Let's have a
>>> hangout session to discuss the pending issues.
>>> I'm available today 9.00 P.M IST for a google hangout.
>>> Thanks,
>>> TharinduE
>>> On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 11:30 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>> I have prepared the user guide[1] and administrator guide[2] in google
>>>> doc since all tasks are not finished yet i have only added the tasks i have
>>>> already done and there is still the developer guide has to be prepare i
>>>> will prepare it as sooner as well
>>>> [1]
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fCLfZYsPOBkHMzRCGM3aexoBSplX3bKIRmONmFsgkBc/edit?usp=sharing
>>>> [2]
>>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mdnmYruzQz5QSxAYwM1XVeJntJMFdxUsV5gord7LuPA/edit?usp=sharing
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Asantha
>>>> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 1:55 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>> sure i will prepare those documents sooner
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Asantha
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 9:38 PM, Tharindu Edirisinghe <
>>>>> tharin...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Excellent work Asantha !
>>>>>> Meanwhile you can prepare a document also adding the screenshots you
>>>>>> have got. Basically we will need following documentation.
>>>>>> 1. Developer Guide ( The architecture of the userstoremanager,
>>>>>> diagrams of all the collections, how they are related to each other etc.)
>>>>>> 2. Administrator Guide (How to guide a server administrator to setup
>>>>>> a secondary userstore with mongodb)
>>>>>> 3. User Guide (All the functionality of the userstoremanager, i.e
>>>>>> each function in RemoteUserStoreManager with sample SOAP requests and
>>>>>> responses)
>>>>>> We will need to look at the QA aspect of the project also.. but let's
>>>>>> keep aside for the moment until we get all the functionality working.
>>>>>> Thanks for all the hard work !
>>>>>> Best Regards,
>>>>>> Tharindu Edirisinghe
>>>>>> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 12:46 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>> as you advice me i added soap ui screen shots of test result and
>>>>>>> selenium script for implemented functions into my repository[1]
>>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 6:23 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>> i updated my blog[1] with all the works i have done so far there i
>>>>>>>> added all the methods and their use in MongoDBUserStoreManager ,
>>>>>>>> hopes your feedback
>>>>>>>> [1] http://asanthamax.blogspot.com/
>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>> i have solved the login issue for registered users in my mongodb
>>>>>>>>> user store. after compare my implementation with JDBCUserStoreManager 
>>>>>>>>> i
>>>>>>>>> realized that i would gone through the wrong path by implementing
>>>>>>>>> UserStoreManager so i changed it by extending AbstractUserStoreManager
>>>>>>>>> instead of UserStoreManager thereafter most of the issues i have faced
>>>>>>>>> being resolved now it can add new users,roles and assign users to 
>>>>>>>>> roles
>>>>>>>>> ,roles to users can change user profile claim values and also 
>>>>>>>>> registered
>>>>>>>>> users can successfully logged into IS still the delete part has to be
>>>>>>>>> implemented and i will prepare a test scripts for my already 
>>>>>>>>> implemented
>>>>>>>>> working parts sooner and from implemented modules only issue i'm 
>>>>>>>>> facing at
>>>>>>>>> the moment is i can't decrypt the salted password of MongoDB server
>>>>>>>>> configuration in user store property xml file
>>>>>>>>> And also I need some advice from you to how i can improve the
>>>>>>>>> security of my query parameters in MongoDB
>>>>>>>>> i updated all my works in my repository[1]
>>>>>>>>> [1]https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 10, 2016 at 12:51 PM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>> sorry for the delay i have updated my blog today and i'm keep
>>>>>>>>>> posting all the progress in their[1] up to now and i am look forward 
>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>> your feedbacks and comments
>>>>>>>>>> [1]http://asanthamax.blogspot.com/
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 7:37 AM, Tharindu Edirisinghe <
>>>>>>>>>> tharin...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Asantha,
>>>>>>>>>>> Great ! There has been a delay in my replies but it's really
>>>>>>>>>>> good to see your progress with the project with a minimum level of
>>>>>>>>>>> supervision.
>>>>>>>>>>> I will arrange a review next week with the Identity Server team
>>>>>>>>>>> for the work completed so far and then we can provide the Mid Review
>>>>>>>>>>> feedback for the project.
>>>>>>>>>>> Keep on communicating the progress and the issues you face via
>>>>>>>>>>> emails and also update your blog with the findings.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>> TharinduE
>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>> i rearranged the UM_USER_ATTRIBUTE collection now when ever
>>>>>>>>>>>> user update his profile, claim values will save in the collection 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the way
>>>>>>>>>>>> we discussed in hangout i updated my repo[1] with latest 
>>>>>>>>>>>> modification
>>>>>>>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 8:03 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorry i forget to attach my github repository here is the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> repository link i have update the repository with my latest 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> errors fixed
>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 8:00 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have fixed the claims issue now it can update and add
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> claims to user but still the db structure is same as in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> relational
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> structure i have currently mapping it to a way we discussed 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ,most of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues being fixed now following tasks can do in now 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MongoDBUserStoreManager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can add users.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can add roles.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can assign roles to users.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can assign users to roles.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can edit user claim values in update profile.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I creating the documentation of my MongoDBUserStoreManager as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well sooner i will publish the document and also test scripts as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And also following are the issues now i facing in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> registered users in my user store domain can't login to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IS it's giving error as MongoDBUserStoreManager can't cast to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AbstractUserStoreManager since i done MongoDBUserStoreManager by
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementing the UserStoreManager is there any special changes 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to do in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code to authenticate user ? i debugged and see my doAuthenticate 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> method not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> get triggered during runtime
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> expect some advice from you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 1:18 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok sure i will modify the readme content as appropriately,at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the moment i didn't add that feature, set to all default i will 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> modify that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to add a port number also,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 12:04 AM, Tharindu Edirisinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tharin...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Asantha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We might not need implementing the HybridRoleManager...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll provide you the exact details after trying out the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> functionality you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have implemented up to now.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you please write a basic document with the steps for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> creating the mongodb database and adding a userstore in IS 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pointing to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> created mongodb database and include in the ReadMe of github 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repo.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also if mongodb server is running in a different port other
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than the default port, can we still connect to that ? I didn't 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see a place
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to define the port in the configuration.. should it be added 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> connection string ? (didn't go through the code to find what 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is going wrong)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TharinduE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 11:55 PM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As we discussed on hangout i doing the changes in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UM_USER_ATTRIBUTE collection and also changing the hybrid 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> role to master
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> datasource but when i try to add user to hybrid role i facing 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a small issue
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i can't grab the datasource ,in HybridRoleManager class it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to give
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.sql.DataSource but in my current user store manager 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> class i have never
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> used a sql datasource(since it nosql) so i think i need to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> grab the master
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> datasource of IS which is h2 database datasource, is there a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> way to get the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> primary datasource?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 1:59 PM, Tharindu Edirisinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tharin...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The call details are as following.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Demonstrated how to use WSO2 admin services.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. All the user operations in *RemoteUserStoreManagerService
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *[1] should be tested (using SOAP UI) for the mongodb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> userstore.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. When the user profile is saved in a JDBC userstore,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for each attribute of the user, it will add a new entry in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *UM_USER_ATTRIBUTE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> **(Refer [2] for more information) *like below.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +-------+----------------------+-----------------+---------------+------------+--------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> | UM_ID | UM_ATTR_NAME         | UM_ATTR_VALUE   |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> UM_PROFILE_ID | UM_USER_ID | UM_TENANT_ID |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +-------+----------------------+-----------------+---------------+------------+--------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |     1 | im                   |                 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |     2 | region               | Western         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |     3 | streetAddress        |                 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |     4 | country              |                 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |     5 | mobile               |                 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |     6 | sn                   | NewLastname     |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |     7 | profileConfiguration | default         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |     8 | dateOfBirth          |                 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |     9 | mail                 | newu...@new.com |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |    10 | organizationName     | WSO2            |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |    11 | givenName            | NewUser         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> |    12 | province             | western         |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> default       |          1 |        -1234 |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> +-------+----------------------+-----------------+---------------+------------+--------------+
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Performance wise this is not a good design. For mongodb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> userstore, I suggested to add a new document in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *UM_USER_ATTRIBUTE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *collection for each user. If the attribute value is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> empty in the profile, an empty string can be stored.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "im": "",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    " region": "Western",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "street": "Address",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "country": "",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "mobile": "",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "sn": "NewLastname",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "profileConfiguration": "default",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "dateOfBirth": "",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "mail": "newu...@new.com",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "organizationName": "WSO2",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "givenName": "NewUser",
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>    "province": "western"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Profile saving is having some issues currently and we
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to further investigate what is going wrong. Until the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue is figured
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out, asked to manually create json documents in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *UM_USER_ATTRIBUTE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *collection and implement the retrieval of user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> attributes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *(can test getUserClaimValues method in the admin service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> using SOAP UI)*
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. For the analytics part of the project, suggested to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> extend the *AbstractUserOperationEventListener *class
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1] and override the methods for publishing events.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5. Developer documentation, Administration Guide and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Testing Guide *(sample SOAP requests and responses in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RemoteUserStoreManagerService API) *should be written as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> deliverables. For all actions related to the mongodb 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> userstore manager *(i.e
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> add user, delete user, add role ...) *, Selenium scripts
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should be provided *(can use firefox selenium addon and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> record each operation and provide the scripts)*.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So far the progress is satisfactory. Keep on the good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work !
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://localhost:9443/services/RemoteUserStoreManagerService?wsdl
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://tharindue.blogspot.com/2015/04/wso2-identity-server-data-dictionary.html
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [3]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/wso2/carbon-kernel/blob/v4.4.3/core/org.wso2.carbon.user.core/src/main/java/org/wso2/carbon/user/core/common/AbstractUserOperationEventListener.java
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TharinduE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jun 4, 2016 at 9:48 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ok sure i will look forward for that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 2:44 PM, Tharindu Edirisinghe <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tharin...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Asantha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shall we have a google hangout tomorrow (Saturday) at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9.00 p.m ? So we can discuss about the issues you are 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> facing and get them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> resolved.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TharinduE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 11:43 PM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i fixed the most of the errors appeared in my user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> store in user management side now it's almost done in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user management side
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> now i can add new users ,roles and search roles of users 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and users of roles
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> only issue i having now is i can't update a user profile 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of user in user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> store i getting a exception ,i want to get some advice 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> from you to resolve
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that error and to implement a logic to commit transaction 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in mongodb and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> also another small problem is when i added a new claim 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where will it save
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in primary user store ? is there any feature to change 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the user store
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> where claims going to save. like it giving an option to 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> select userstore in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a dropdown when adding newusers and roles.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the works i have done so far in my repo[1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1] . https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 3:00 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Asantha Thilina <asanthathil...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 2:59 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Fwd: GSOC 2016 - Project 21 : MongoDB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Userstore Development
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: WSO2 Developers' List <dev@wso2.org>, Tharindu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Edirisinghe <tharin...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: Asantha Thilina <asanthathil...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 2:51 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: GSOC 2016 - Project 21 : MongoDB
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Userstore Development
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: Tharindu Edirisinghe <tharin...@wso2.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cc: WSO2 Developers' List <dev@wso2.org>, Lakmal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rupasinghe <lakma...@sliit.lk>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I fixed the most of the errors i got now my user
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> store working it is successfully registered and can add 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> users and roles to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user store as well still there are some issues in other 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> functions those are
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> query errors i still fixing those as well ,i having some 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issues  about
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> database transaction point of view and i need some 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advice from you, in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mongodb there is no option to rollback transaction if 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error occurred how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can i manage it? can we arrange a hangout meeting today 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> or any comfortable
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> day for you ? i'm ok with any time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all the updates up to now i pushed to my repository[1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 1:56 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure i'll be look forward for that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 9:37 PM, Tharindu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Edirisinghe <tharin...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Asantha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Glad to hear the progress... Sure I'll review over
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the weekend and provide feedback. By next week we'll 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have a hangout to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> discuss on how to move forward and the difficulties 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you have faced.  Keep
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the momentum going !
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TharinduE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 12:17 AM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i been able to fix the mongodb user store
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> intitalizing error now it working successfully it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will be registered as a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> secondary user store in IS and when going to add a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> new users and roles it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> will show the domain of mongodb userstore still i 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> having small issues in my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> json query formats for mongodb i fixing those issues 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> at the moment all the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> progress so far i made updated to my github 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> repository[1] and i recently
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> updated my blog[2] as well,can you review my code and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> give me a feedback?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [2]http://asanthamax.blogspot.com/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 3:38 PM, Asantha Thilina <
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have override all the methods in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AbstractUserStoreManager in my 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MongoDBUserStoreManager class after that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when i try to add new secondary user store in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> management console i got
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following error i attached the screen shot of the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> error with this mail
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i have pushed all the progress upto now to my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> github repository[1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> can you give me some tips to solve this issue?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any suggestion would be grateful
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 11:47 PM, Asantha Thilina
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sorry for the late reply ,as you advised i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> remove the scr reference and its corresponding 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> methods from user store now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it's works fine but i having another small issue if 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i wanted to run my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mongodb user store as as my primary user store how 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would i do that?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i added my user store configurations to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> user-mgt.xml file and comented the ldap userstore 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> properties and i added
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MongoDBUserStore to tenant-mgt.xml as well but then 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i get error as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> datasource cannot be casted to MongoDB db source 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> while deploying thats mean
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> its still referring to Default Activator inside 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> carbon core module how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would i set it to my activator to reffer?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any suggestion or help would be grateful
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 10:29 PM, Tharindu
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Edirisinghe <tharin...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Asantha,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Great progress so far !
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Since the reference is given to realm service
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in the bundle activator, you should be facing the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> issue. Can you remove the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service reference from the bundle activator class. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (You can delete the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> following from the class).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * @scr.reference
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> name="user.realmservice.default"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  *
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> interface="org.wso2.carbon.user.core.service.RealmService"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cardinality="1..1"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  * policy="dynamic" bind="setRealmService"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>  * unbind="unsetRealmService"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also delete the following methods where realm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> service is used.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> getRealmService()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> setRealmService(RealmService rlmService)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unsetRealmService(RealmService rlmService)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> After that can you try if the userstore manager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is working as expected. If you face any issues, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> please get back.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> TharinduE
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, May 15, 2016 at 7:48 PM, Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thilina <asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I found the issue after debugging into my code
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ,my service bundle is not get activated because i 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> referring into
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mongodb-driver which is not osgi comaptible and i 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> just found another
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> library in here[1] and it is worked for me ,fixed 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> project i pushed into my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> github repository [2].
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i found out that *DefaultRealmService* which
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is used in Bundle Activator of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JDBCUserstoreManager cannot be used for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MongoDB since it used *java.sql.DataSource*.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is their having any DataSource class like that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for MongoDB? or would i have to create a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> different logic to implement that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> scenario in MongoDB?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> waiting for your suggestion
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1].
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://central.maven.org/maven2/org/mongodb/mongo-java-driver/3.2.2/
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [2].
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 10:53 AM, Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thilina <asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i faced following issue while i developing ,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> after adding my new json query support i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> didn't able to see My MongoDBUserStore in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dropdown in create user store
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> option.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for json related activites i used an external
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> json dependency from here[1] and i added it jar 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to lib folder in IS as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> well,i have enabled remote debugging and inspect 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my code and there i found
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in my *MongoDBUserStoreDSComponent  *class 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *activate
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> *method triggered but execute 1st line of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> code only. it will not registered the service 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but in my osgi console window when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i run *ss mongo* command i get
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> monodb.userstore bundle and mongodb java driver 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bundle are activated
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> successfully i attached my console output and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> identity server output for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> your consideration as well
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any suggestion would be grateful
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1].
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.json/json/20160212
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my github repository
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore/tree/master/mongodb.userstoremanager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 2:01 AM, Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thilina <asanthathil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Tharindu,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since mongodb driver not having prepared
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> statement support earlier i developed a logic 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to support prepared statement
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but i realized that it has a limitation such as 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> parameters has to be pass
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as same order it exists in prepared statement 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> then as you suggested to use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> key value relationship instead of order during 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> our hangout conversation i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> created a new logic same to prepared statement 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in sql and it will work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> according to key value relationship and i 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> created standard query format for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mongodb with json to support prepared 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> statements and i rewrite the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JDBCRealmConstants class with those supporting 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> json queries instead of sql
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> queries
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All of my prepared statement methods contain
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in MongoDBPreparedStatement interface and its 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementation in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MongoDBPreparedStatementImpl class
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> All the changes i have pushed to my repo in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> here[1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> security of this prepared statements has to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be improve
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll be grateful if you can provide me some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> suggestions to improve it and also another 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> small issue i having is can i
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> write a DataSource for MongoDB as in 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> java.sql.DataSource ?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/asanthamax/mongodbuserstore/tree/master/mongodb.userstoremanager
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Asantha
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tharindu Edirisinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Platform Security Team
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog : tharindue.blogspot.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mobile : +94 775181586
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tharindu Edirisinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Platform Security Team
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog : tharindue.blogspot.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mobile : +94 775181586
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tharindu Edirisinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Platform Security Team
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog : tharindue.blogspot.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mobile : +94 775181586
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tharindu Edirisinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Platform Security Team
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog : tharindue.blogspot.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mobile : +94 775181586
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tharindu Edirisinghe
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Platform Security Team
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog : tharindue.blogspot.com
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mobile : +94 775181586
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Tharindu Edirisinghe
>>>>>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
>>>>>>>>>>> Platform Security Team
>>>>>>>>>>> Blog : tharindue.blogspot.com
>>>>>>>>>>> mobile : +94 775181586
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Tharindu Edirisinghe
>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
>>>>>> Platform Security Team
>>>>>> Blog : tharindue.blogspot.com
>>>>>> mobile : +94 775181586
>>> --
>>> Tharindu Edirisinghe
>>> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
>>> Platform Security Team
>>> Blog : tharindue.blogspot.com
>>> mobile : +94 775181586
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