
This is the meeting minute for the last GSoC project review meeting(19th

The final demo and the source code was reviewed  by my mentors.
Below mentioned are the new changes to be done to  the implementation.

Assigned tasks:

      1) Change the workflow of Visual Neural Network Builder and integrate
it with the  WSO2 Machine Learner Console and have a link to call the WSO2
Visual builder Main UI when the user selects Neural Network as the
algorithm in the algorithm.jag page.

      2) Remove "Select Project","Analysis" and "Model" drop downs from the
UI and add a dropdown to select the data version .

      3) Add loggers to the source code.

      4) Handle exceptions in front end UI.

      5) Check the Visual builder with MNIST dataset.

      6) Give suggestions to save and reuse models,show graphs in the front
end and include them in the documentation.

      7) Have to send a pull request to  WSO2 Carbon-ML

I have successfully completed 1,2,3,4,5,6 which are mentioned above and I
have created a small demo as well[1].

I have suggested the ways to save and reuse the models and how to show the
graphs in the client side and included them in the documentation.

I have run Visual Neural Network Builder with the MNIST dataset which
includes 70000 data rows.

These are the output and
    Accuracy: 0.7641904761904762
    Precision: 0.8189778449814502
    Recall: 0.7629256295725443
    F1 Score: 0.7899586770483598

These are the hyperparameters user has set for the MNIST dataset for the UI.

Neural Network Type = Feed Forward Network
Seed = 123
Learning Rate = 0.06
Batch Size = 128
nEpoches = 15
Iteration = 1
Optimization Algorithm = Storchastic Gradient Descent
Updater = Nesterovs
Momentum = 0.9
Pretrain = False
Back Propargation = True

Input Layer:
Input Nodes = 784

1st Hidden Layer:
Number of Hidden Nodes = 1000
WeightInit = Xavier
Activation = RELU

Output Layer:
Output Nodes = 10
WeightInit = Xavier
Activation = Softmax
Loss Function = Negetive Log Likelihood

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVBhFR8pcHs&feature=youtu.be

Could you please check the demo and advice me accordingly if there is more
to change.

Thank you.

On Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 12:31 PM, Upul Bandara <u...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Please send notes of the 19th August meeting.
> Also, please do all the changes we discussed in the meeting and send a PR
> before EOD Monday (22-Aug-2016)
> Thanks,
> Upul
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 9:34 AM, Lakini Senanayaka <
> lakinisenanayak...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have completed the implementation of  [ML] Visual (Deep) Neural Network
>> Builder for WSO2 Machine Learner.
>> I have covered all the targets which we discussed in the meetings.
>> I can not provide all the commits history as I did not commit frequently
>> to the GitHub.So I planned to write a blog post about all the work I have
>> done in the project as mentioned in [1].
>> You can find the code from [2],[3],[4],[5],[6].
>> I have created a spreadsheet[7] which includes the details about the code
>> I have committed.
>> I will share the documentation and blog ASAP.
>> [1] https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/help/work-product
>> [2] https://github.com/Lakini/MLbackend/blob/master/componen
>> ts/ml/org.wso2.carbon.ml.rest.api/src/main/java/org/wso2/
>> carbon/ml/rest/api/ModelApiV20.java#L624-L698
>> [3] https://github.com/Lakini/MLbackend/blob/master/componen
>> ts/ml/org.wso2.carbon.ml.rest.api/src/main/java/org/wso2/
>> carbon/ml/rest/api/neuralNetworks/FeedForwardNetwork.java
>> [4] https://github.com/Lakini/MLbackend/blob/master/componen
>> ts/ml/org.wso2.carbon.ml.rest.api/src/main/java/org/wso2/
>> carbon/ml/rest/api/neuralNetworks/OutputLayerDetails.java
>> [5] https://github.com/Lakini/MLbackend/blob/master/componen
>> ts/ml/org.wso2.carbon.ml.rest.api/src/main/java/org/wso2/
>> carbon/ml/rest/api/neuralNetworks/hiddenLayerDetails.java
>> [6] https://github.com/Lakini/MLClientside
>> <https://github.com/Lakini/MLClientside>
>> [7] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AWXvvfhEKFeUs8k3
>> WaWhEyLyroo1h-8J_p-aKW-0Kdw/edit?usp=sharing
>> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1AWXvvfhEKFeUs8k3WaWhEyLyroo1h-8J_p-aKW-0Kdw/edit?usp=sharing>
>> Thank you.
> --
> Upul Bandara,
> Associate Technical Lead, WSO2, Inc.,
> Mob: +94 715 468 345.

KIND Regards,
*Lakini Senanayaka.*
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