Thanks for the update.

Please schedule a meeting (and demo) on Monday or Tuesday next week.
As commented by Supun, quality of your code base, UI and demo have to  be
in  very good quality.


On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 9:20 AM, Supun Sethunga <> wrote:

> Hi Lakini,
> Thanks for the update. Can you please schedule a final demo with end to
> end implementation, early next week? Please note that this demo and the
> quality of deliverables (specially the code, documentations, etc) will have
> a big impact on the final evaluations.
> Regards,
> Supun
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 8:54 AM, Lakini Senanayaka <
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have taken only the Accuracy,Precision,F1 Score and Recall of neural
>> networks.
>> The values are listed below.
>> *Accuracy: 0.9712*
>> *Precision: 0.9711317415957886*
>> *Recall: 0.9708490075847962*
>> *F1 Score: 0.9709903540085949*
>> These are the hyper parameters user has set for the MNIST dataset for the
>> UI.
>> *Neural Network Type = Feed Forward Network*
>> *Seed = 123*
>> *Learning Rate = 0.006*
>> *Batch Size = 128*
>> *nEpoches = 15*
>> *Iteration = 1*
>> *Optimization Algorithm = Storchastic Gradient Descent*
>> *Updater = Nesterovs*
>> *Momentum = 0.9*
>> *Pretrain = False*
>> *Back Propargation = True*
>> *Input Layer:*
>> * Input Nodes = 784*
>> *1st Hidden Layer:*
>> * Number of Hidden Nodes = 1000*
>> * WeightInit = Xavier*
>> * Activation = RELU*
>> *Output Layer:*
>> * Output Nodes = 10*
>> * WeightInit = Xavier*
>> * Activation = Softmax*
>> * Loss Function = Negetive Log Likelihood*
>> For the training purposes and  for the time being I have used the Dataset
>> of MNIST which is available in DL4J library.
>> *DataSetIterator trainIter = new MnistDataSetIterator(bachSize, true,
>> (int)seed);*
>> *DataSetIterator testIter = new MnistDataSetIterator(bachSize, false,
>> (int) seed);*
>> I will try to use the dataset from the WSO2 ML Server.I couldn't try it
>> yesterday.
>> The training time for the above scenario is 08 min 45s .
>> I will share the code once I complete reading data set from the WSO2 ML
>> Sever.
>> Thank you.
>> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 8:43 AM, Upul Bandara <> wrote:
>>> Sounds good
>>> Can you please share us the performance numbers (and confusion matrix)
>>> you got with the MINIST?
>>> Also, how did you do:
>>> load MNIST data into WSO2 ML Server?
>>> split training/testing subsets?
>>> Tune hyper-parameters?
>>> What was the training time?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Upul
>>> On Thu, Aug 11, 2016 at 6:59 AM, Lakini Senanayaka <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi.
>>>> Thank you very much for sharing the code.
>>>> I have solved many of the issues I had with the UI.
>>>> I have tested the UI with MNIST dataset.It gave the correct results and
>>>> the UI is working well with large datasets.
>>>> The UI gets unresponsive for sometimes as the AJAX call takes nearly 5
>>>> minutes to give the response.Currently, I am handling that issue and I have
>>>> to call the dataset from the ML server.
>>>> I will share my documentation as soon as possible.
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> On Tue, Aug 9, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Upul Bandara <> wrote:
>>>>> Following jag file ( please look at function loadDatasets(), function
>>>>> updateDatasets(), function deleteDataset(datasetId) and etc) has 
>>>>> everything
>>>>> you need to know to get dataset from ML server to your UI. Please kindly
>>>>> note that it is very difficult for us to give exact code snippet to meet
>>>>> your requirement. As a student, you should be able to go through available
>>>>> code which shows how to use APIs and uses those APIs in your applications.
>>>>> I think the API doc Supun shared with you and the following jag file
>>>>> will help you to understand how to extract dataset and versions from the 
>>>>> ML
>>>>> Server and displaying those in your UI.
>>>>> BTW, did you manage to test your UI with large datasets such as MNIST.
>>>>> MNIST is an image dataset but you can convert it to standard CSV format 
>>>>> and
>>>>> can be used to train NN using your UI.
>>>>> ata/datasets.jag
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 6:31 AM, Lakini Senanayaka <
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> Thank you very much.
>>>>>> But Upul told me about a code snippet which I can use inside the API
>>>>>> implementation in the last meeting.
>>>>>> However can I get the dataset file from calling *GET
>>>>>> https://localhost:9443/api/datasets/{datasetId}
>>>>>> <https://localhost:9443/api/datasets/%7BdatasetId%7D> * inside the
>>>>>> API implementation in the backend (inside carbon-ml\components\ml\
>>>>>>\src\main\java\org\wso2\carbon\ml\rest\api )
>>>>>> and can I access the dataset through the response's *"sourcePath" ?*
>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 7, 2016 at 8:06 PM, Supun Sethunga <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Lakini,
>>>>>>> Please find all the APIs and their samples at [1]. Additionally, you
>>>>>>> can always refer the existing UI to get an idea. for eg: you can check 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> dataset page of the existing ML UI to see how the datasets are 
>>>>>>> retrieved.
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Supun.
>>>>>>> On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 11:06 AM, Lakini Senanayaka <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Upul,
>>>>>>>> Could you please explain me the way to get the dataset from the
>>>>>>>> carbon ML to the API which I am implementing.
>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 4:37 PM, Lakini Senanayaka <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>> This is the meeting minute for today's GSoC project review meeting.
>>>>>>>>> Upul reviewed the current progress of the project, "(Deep) Neural
>>>>>>>>> Network Builder for WSO2 Machine Learner".
>>>>>>>>> Below mentioned are the decisions made and the new tasks allocated
>>>>>>>>> at the meeting.
>>>>>>>>> Assigned action items:
>>>>>>>>>     -Making the UI more user-friendly.
>>>>>>>>>         Ex: Physical lines of connections between layers should
>>>>>>>>> follow the movements of the layers.
>>>>>>>>>     -Train the feed forward network for MNIST dataset.
>>>>>>>>>     -Testing the accuracy of the neural network model for
>>>>>>>>> different optimization and updater algorithms.
>>>>>>>>>     -Handling Exceptions.
>>>>>>>>>     -Trying to show graphs related to the model, along with the
>>>>>>>>> accuracy of the model in the output.
>>>>>>>>>     -Start writing documentation.
>>>>>>>>>     -Showing a demo for the ML team.
>>>>>>>>> Decisions made:
>>>>>>>>>      -Higher priority should be given in implementing feed-forward
>>>>>>>>> network than RNN.
>>>>>>>>>      -Upul will provide me necessary instructions on the way to
>>>>>>>>> access the dataset which is inserted through the WSO2 ML console as NN
>>>>>>>>> builder UI needs to access that dataset and use as the training 
>>>>>>>>> dataset.
>>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 5:59 AM, Lakini Senanayaka <
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you very much for your kindness.
>>>>>>>>>> I can schedule a meeting on this Thursday(4th-August-2016).
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 10:39 AM, Upul Bandara <>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> As you know we have only two weeks to complete GSOC projects.
>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately, this project is a little bit lagging behind and it 
>>>>>>>>>>> looks
>>>>>>>>>>> like you have to put some additional effort during the last two 
>>>>>>>>>>> week. In
>>>>>>>>>>> order to support you, we though it is better to have a small F2F 
>>>>>>>>>>> meeting
>>>>>>>>>>> with you and it will help you to sort out any issues currently you 
>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>>>> facing with.
>>>>>>>>>>> So can you please schedule a meeting with the ML team?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Upul
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 5:45 PM, Nirmal Fernando <
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 1:43 PM, Lakini Senanayaka <
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have solved the above problem.I have referred the mail
>>>>>>>>>>>>> thread *[Dev] "Error 403 - Forbidden" when session expires in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> admin console*[1] in dev mailing list.I couldn't upload
>>>>>>>>>>>>>  jaggery files to the console  and when I was trying to do it, it 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gave the*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Error 403-Forbidden.*
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have copied the jaggery files to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *<ML_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggerapps* directory as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Supun instructed and it worked.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Although I have implemented the back end for feed forward
>>>>>>>>>>>>> neural network still it has some problems.It doesn't work well.Do 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I need to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> add the  neural network algorithms to the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> ** in Carbon ML ?Do I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> need to follow the same pattern which is used by the Carbon ML 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>> implementing the back end coding and APIs?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes please.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I will submit the demo ASAP.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> %22Error+403++Forbidden%22+when+session+expires+in+admin%09c
>>>>>>>>>>>>> onsole/155bfcbf7e98992f?projector=1
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>> KIND Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> *Lakini Senanayaka.*
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks & regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Nirmal
>>>>>>>>>>>> Team Lead - WSO2 Machine Learner
>>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Technical Lead - Data Technologies Team, WSO2 Inc.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mobile: +94715779733
>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Upul Bandara,
>>>>>>>>>>> Associate Technical Lead, WSO2, Inc.,
>>>>>>>>>>> Mob: +94 715 468 345.
>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> KIND Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> *Lakini Senanayaka.*
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> KIND Regards,
>>>>>>>>> *Lakini Senanayaka.*
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> KIND Regards,
>>>>>>>> *Lakini Senanayaka.*
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *Supun Sethunga*
>>>>>>> Senior Software Engineer
>>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.
>>>>>>> lean | enterprise | middleware
>>>>>>> Mobile : +94 716546324
>>>>>>> Blog:
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> KIND Regards,
>>>>>> *Lakini Senanayaka.*
>>>>> --
>>>>> Upul Bandara,
>>>>> Associate Technical Lead, WSO2, Inc.,
>>>>> Mob: +94 715 468 345.
>>>> --
>>>> KIND Regards,
>>>> *Lakini Senanayaka.*
>>> --
>>> Upul Bandara,
>>> Associate Technical Lead, WSO2, Inc.,
>>> Mob: +94 715 468 345.
>> --
>> KIND Regards,
>> *Lakini Senanayaka.*
> --
> *Supun Sethunga*
> Senior Software Engineer
> WSO2, Inc.
> lean | enterprise | middleware
> Mobile : +94 716546324
> Blog:

Upul Bandara,
Associate Technical Lead, WSO2, Inc.,
Mob: +94 715 468 345.
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