Hi all,

I have studied the resources that you have provided and there are
Kubernetes configurations for wso2 products  already defined at
kubernetes-artifacts <https://github.com/wso2/kubernetes-artifacts> as well
as Jmeter  Scripts qa-tooling-smoketester
<https://github.com/wso2-incubator/qa-tooling-smoketester>. As far as I
understand, what needs to be done is, bring these implementations together
and automate the process once configurations are selected via an UI. In
order to achieve those goals following things need to be implemented:



      User should be able to select the Product, version and the profile

      User should be able to Select 3rd party prerequisites such as

      User should be able to select the which Jmeter scripts to run

      Final test results


      Build the product’s Docker image according to provided profile. For
      example consider the wso2as as the product. Then these steps
      mentioned here[1] should be executed. What is done by the build.sh can be
      achieved by a Docker client [2]. So we can build the Docker
images in host
      where the app is hosted.

      Build the 3rd party prerequisites Docker images  like above mentioned

      Then we push the docker images that we have built to a private docker
      registry where Kubernetes cluster can pull those images

      Connect to the Kubernetes cluster through a client library like fabric8
      [2] and deploy the product in the cluster(what is done in the
      deploy.sh script)

      Build the Jmeter docker Image with the given profile and the
      deployment configurations(ex: fill the server properties file with the
      respective values).

      Build and Push Jmeter docker image with given profile to the private
      Docker registry

      Deploy the Jmeter image in Kubernetes cluster and run the tests

      Show results in the UI

Also in Smoke tester is Jmeter run in cluster mode or not ?. Please let me
know whether I understood the requirements correctly or not. If correct, Is
this approach correct ?.


[2] https://github.com/docker-java/docker-java

[3] https://fabric8.io


Thilina Manamgoda

On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 1:51 PM, Thilina Manamgoda <maanafun...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I am Thilina Manamgoda an undergraduate of department of Computer
> Engineering, University of Peradeniya Sri lanka. I am looking forward to
> participate in GSOC 2017. This is my second time participating Google
> summer of code. Previously I have worked with Apache Taverna where I added
> the CWL tool browsing support to the Taverna suite. After completing the
> project, I continued to work with the community and then became an Apache
> committer on  that project. This is my gsoc blog: http://maanadevgsoc2016.
> blogspot.com , here you can get all the details of my previous work.
> I am really interested in the project “JMeter Test Manager for Distributed
> Deployments of WSO2 Servers”. I have contributed to the project “wso2
> app-cloud” and have worked with Kubernetes framework previously when I was
> an Intern at wso2. Now I am going through  the documentation of Jmeter and 
> qa-tooling-smoketester.
> Will come back with more questions.
> Regards,
> Thilina Manamgoda
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