
In walking through the code, I had seen a couple of places where a minor
would be beneficial to the overall project.

( Clarifying a log message, adding a log message, etc )

What would be the best vehicle for encouraging contributor patches for
small improvements?

Discussed offline, these seem to be two approaches:

1)  Ask the contributor to open a full jira, attach the one line diff.
  Pro:  This provides a solid record of why the code is changed.
  Con:  Somewhat heavy weight for the occasional contributor.

2)  Open a Github pull request
  Pro:  Very simple for a casual contributor
  Con:  May lack some of the documentation of why something was changed.
  May be even more heavy weight for committers.

  Currently the ASF GitHub Bot is not enabled for the YETUS project.

Is there a preference on one of these.  Is there a third option not yet


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