> On Sep 29, 2020, at 9:17 AM, Allen Wittenauer 
> <a...@effectivemachines.com.INVALID> wrote:
>>> Maybe test-patch should complain if it has a token that lacks this 
>>> permission?
>> AFAIK, GitHub returns 404 if the token lacks the permission, so
>> test-patch cannot complain about the permission of the token.
>       You can also get a 404 for other reasons though. :(

        After reworking my local jenkins instance to be configured correctly 
for statuses on forked PRs (moving from personal access token to GitHub app 
token, etc), it wasn't a 404. It was a 422 which is a completely different 
problem.  After applying YETUS-1022, statuses are actually working better in 
Yetus than they are from Jenkins. haha. But given some of the weird rules 
around the time tokens live, that still may not work for Hadoop, HBase, etc. 
Not much can be done about that other than making build, test, etc run faster.

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