Apologies for late reply.
I have spend time understanding the protocol.I installed all the three
techs and tried them.
Also I read about  the docs, whitepapers[1].I read the bittorent protocol
and wrote a blog[2] about it using jekyll. Please do watch the video.

I have written the proposal[3].Your feedback are welcomed. I am confused ,
exactly what to write in implementation part.right now I have written about
the current implementation.

The available clients are
IPFS - [4] Java
dat : browserify [5], desktop[6], [7] python . If not available, should I
consider writing own Java client? is it doable?
Zeronet :  I didn't understand how notebooks can be shared with zeronet
which serves sites?.

Please comment. I guess there are many mistakes. Thank You.

2] https://onkarshedge.github.io/2016/03/16/peeking-in-p2p.html
4] https://github.com/ipfs/java-ipfs-api
5] https://github.com/karissa/dat-browserify
6] https://github.com/karissa/dat-desk

On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 6:28 PM, Alexander Bezzubov <b...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Onkar,
> great to hear the you are interested and thank you for sharing the example
> notebook that you'v built, preview [0] looks great.
> I encourage you review this mailing list archives very carefully, looking
> for the advices to other students on how to get started with zeppelin and
> proceed with proposal draft [1] [2] [3].
> Research, as well as publishing the results of such in wiki\blogs should be
> substantial part of this project. The expectations are though that you will
> be able to familiarize yourself with the p2p protocols at least a bit
> before starting actual gsoc project. Engaging and bridging multiple project
> communities is very welcome as well. Next steps could build building low-fi
> PoC using JVM tools, and then a hi-fi one, using pluggable Repository
> abstraction [4]
> Hope this helps and looking forward your proposal draft: plaintext in wiki
> [5] or a link to a google doc will work nicely to gather the feedback and
> engage with potential mentors.
> --
> Alex
>  0. https://www.zeppelinhub
> .com/viewer/notebooks/aHR0cHM6Ly9yYXcuZ2l0aHVidXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29tL29ua2Fyc2hlZGdlL3NhbXBsZS1ub3RlYm9va3MvbWFzdGVyLzJCRllGVVpDUC9ub3RlLmpzb24
>  1. http://markmail.org/thread/abw6hoayuvi54ghk
>  2. http://markmail.org/thread/j53j7d4rsiisewfb
>  3. http://markmail.org/message/naocktanol5iuot3
>  4. http://zeppelin.incubator.apache
> .org/docs/0.6.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT/storage/storage.html
>  5. https://cwiki.apache
> .org/confluence/display/ZEPPELIN/Google+Summer+Of+Code+2016
> On Wed, Mar 9, 2016 at 11:56 PM, onkar shedge <shedge31on...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hello Alexander,
> > I am Onkar from PICT, Pune India. I am interested in the project idea
> > regarding Notebook distributed Storage using P2P protocols.
> > In order to contribute and aid in this project, I have been working with
> > Zeppelin Notebooks.This is a link to one of my sample notebook which
> uses a
> > dataset about Indian school data from data.gov.in:  github-repo
> > <
> >
> https://github.com/onkarshedge/sample-notebooks/blob/master/2BFYFUZCP/note.json
> > >
> > .
> >
> > I am familiar with IPython it also uses similar json(.ipynb) way to
> > represent notebook. So as per my understanding we have to divide the json
> > file into chunks and store in a distributed manner according to protocol.
> > While I am familiar with the basics of the product and have a clear idea
> of
> > what is required by the problem statement, I am not quite sure how to
> > proceed about it. I would appreciate your guidance regarding the same. I
> > was thinking about starting with a brief comparative study of the
> protocols
> > suggested( dat, ipfs, zeronet). I hope to hear your views about this.
> >
> > Thanking you,
> > Onkar Shedge
> >

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