Hello William,

Thank you for your interest in contributing to ZooKeeper!

In which version of ZooKeeper did you see this dependency on an old Netty
version?  My best guess is that it was some version in the ZooKeeper 3.3
line.  At that time, BookKeeper was included as a contrib module inside
ZooKeeper, and BookKeeper had this dependency in its ivy.xml:

<dependency org="org.jboss.netty" name="netty" rev="3.1.5.GA" />

This is no longer an issue in more recent ZooKeeper releases (the 3.4 and
3.5 lines).  BookKeeper has moved to its own top-level Apache project, so
patches related to its dependencies wouldn't go here in ZooKeeper.  At
this point, ZooKeeper does also use Netty itself directly, but it's a
newer version (3.7.0.Final in ZooKeeper 3.4 and 3.7.1.Final in ZooKeeper

If the above makes sense, then I suspect there wouldn't be a need for your
patch anymore.  However, even if that's the case, thank you for offering
to donate it.  Apache projects love seeing new contributors. If you have
the time and the interest, I'd encourage you to look for other ways to
contribute to ZooKeeper or any other Apache project.  More details on our
contribution process are available here:


--Chris Nauroth

On 3/22/16, 12:09 PM, "William L. Thomson Jr." <wlt...@o-sinc.com> wrote:

>I was looking into packaging Hadoop on Gentoo which had a few
>One of which is Zookeeper, a indirect dependency of Curator. The first
>thing I 
>noticed was Zookeeper depends on an older version of Netty in the
>package. Gentoo does not have this old version of Netty packaged. Rather
>package an older Netty for Zookeeper. I started updating Zookeeper code
>But I am not familiar with Netty or Zookeeper, so in short I have no idea
>I am doing or did... I did find some documents that were very helpful in
>changes with Netty. I have done I believe most of the work ~80-90%, but
>a few things to code for newer Netty. Not to mention test the changes,
>and not 
>being familiar with Zookeeper. Not sure how I can easily test the changes
>Zookeeper usage of Netty.
>I did this some time back and I have not touched it since. I rather pass
>on my 
>work rather than toss. It is not complete enough to commit to say github
>submit a PR. Not sure if I can post patches here to the list, or if there
>someone I can email or pastebin the patches to that can do something with
>them. Ideally finish off my work and get Zookeeper updated for a newer
>What I did not do, was to update the build system for a newer Netty.
>does not use gradle, maven, ivy, etc. I had modified the ant build.xml to
>bypass ivy and just use ant with dependencies provided by portage,
>packaging system.
>Hopefully you all are receptive to updating Zookeeper to use a newer
>of Netty, and my effort thus far will be beneficial to others.
>William L. Thomson Jr.
>Obsidian-Studios, Inc.

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