Hi Chris,

On Tuesday, March 22, 2016 08:16:36 PM Chris Nauroth wrote:
> Hello William,
> Thank you for your interest in contributing to ZooKeeper!

Thanks for the warm welcome, though it is a selfish interest, as are most :)

> In which version of ZooKeeper did you see this dependency on an old Netty
> version?  My best guess is that it was some version in the ZooKeeper 3.3
> line.  At that time, BookKeeper was included as a contrib module inside
> ZooKeeper, and BookKeeper had this dependency in its ivy.xml:

In current development trunk (assuming the following is current)

> <dependency org="org.jboss.netty" name="netty" rev="3.1.5.GA" />
> This is no longer an issue in more recent ZooKeeper releases (the 3.4 and
> 3.5 lines).  BookKeeper has moved to its own top-level Apache project, so
> patches related to its dependencies wouldn't go here in ZooKeeper.  At
> this point, ZooKeeper does also use Netty itself directly, but it's a
> newer version (3.7.0.Final in ZooKeeper 3.4 and 3.7.1.Final in ZooKeeper
> 3.5).

Not familiar with ZooKeeper or BookKeeper, but this looks to be part of 
ZooKeeper current sources. I was making a live ebuild, pulling from git not 
using a particular tag, just grabbing trunk.

Figured I was best to work with latest sources.

> If the above makes sense, then I suspect there wouldn't be a need for your
> patch anymore.  However, even if that's the case, thank you for offering
> to donate it.  

I am pretty sure it is still needed as the latest sources still reference 
org.jboss which is netty 3.x. >= 4.x is io.netty package. I tried doing a 
simple package change, but the Netty API changed pretty considerably. Thus the 
partial patches I had made, updating Zookeeper per Netty API changes.

> Apache projects love seeing new contributors. If you have
> the time and the interest, I'd encourage you to look for other ways to
> contribute to ZooKeeper or any other Apache project.  More details on our
> contribution process are available here:
> https://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ZooKeeper/HowToContribute

Not sure I am seeking to really contribute, bit out of my comfort and 
knowledge zone. I think I am about at the limit of what I can contribute, thus 
wanting to pass on the patches/work for another to complete. I can try but I 
have to learn more about Netty and Zookeeper for the last bit. I believe it 
will require some internal code changes in Zookeeper per the changes in Netty.

William L. Thomson Jr.
Obsidian-Studios, Inc.

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