Il giorno mar 13 nov 2018 alle ore 16:47 Alexander Shraer
<> ha scritto:
> I also wanted to get other's views on this.
> My opinion is that the current server configuration format
> (server.x=ip:port:port:role;ip:port) has run its course. There are multiple
> proposals for additions/changes to the server configuration,
> that would be simplified from having a more extensible format, such as a
> json blob, as proposed by Brian Nixon here:
> It is true that such an extension hasn't happened yet, however it may not
> be a good idea to continue adding individual features to the existing
> format instead of making this change.
> For longer than a year, maybe more, I've seen features pushed out to 3.6 to
> avoid destabilizing the 3.5 release. If we follow the same logic here, this
> would be a 3.6 feature, so compatibility with the old format doesn't seem
> very important.
> What do others think ?

Thank you Ted and Alexander for working on this important topic, I am
following your work.

"so compatibility with the old format doesn't seem very important"

btw we must support compatibility, upgrade path from 3.5 must be as
smooth as possible

my 2c


> Thanks,
> Alex
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 11:47 PM Ted Dunning <> wrote:
> > There is a JIRA live for the network resilience feature that I mentioned
> > previously.
> >
> > The design document
> > <
> >
> > >
> > (also
> > copied into the JIRA) has essentially converged except for two points.
> >
> > These include:
> >
> > 1) Artem Chernatsky has pointed out an opportunity to factor our port sets
> > in the configuration syntax as well as an interesting interaction with the
> > existing behavior where the current servers already listen to the specified
> > ports on all NICs. This semantics of this interaction between configuration
> > options need to be specified rigorously, but this doesn't appear to impact
> > code complexity much, nor introduce any real difficulties.
> >
> > 2) Alex Shraer seems to feel that there is a strong interaction between
> > this
> > issue <> and a
> > proposed
> > refactorization of the configuration file syntax (mentioned in a comment in
> > 3166, but apparently doesn't have an independent issue). In particular, he
> > seems to think that the syntax refactorization is a blocker for the network
> > resilience. My own feeling is that there is some interaction, but there is
> > no strong ordering between the two issues if the implementors of this issue
> > are willing to commit to supporting any consensus syntax change that is
> > adopted. Essentially, there can be an additional issue filed which is
> > blocked by both the syntax change issue and 3188 (network resilience) to
> > support any new syntax. The work for 3188 needs to support the old syntax
> > in any case so that we can backport changes to 3.4.
> >
> > Other open issues that are affected by configuration syntax change include
> > 2534 <>, 2531
> > <>, 195
> > <>, and 2225
> > <>. None of these has
> > any serious impact other than the fact that configuration needs to be
> > abstracted as part of any change. Some appear to be quite old and may have
> > already been solved or made moot.
> >
> > My own feeling is that pushing for this issue (3188) to include a change to
> > the configuration syntax as well as the core network resilience feature
> > proposed is an unacceptable increase in scope. I have filed a new tracking
> > issue <> (3189)
> > capturing the intended rework after a change in configuration syntax, but I
> > can't find anywhere that the configuration change is captured in a issue to
> > add the dependency.
> >
> > I also see no particular way that configuration syntax change (as desirable
> > as it might be) blocks this feature.
> >
> > I would love to hear other opinions.
> >
> >
> > I, myself, think that the "support resilience under new syntax when
> > available" approach
> >

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