Tim Roberts writes:
 > On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 17:16:19 +0100, Rob Taylor wrote:
 > >
 > >Has anyone sucessfully run the chips 69030 driver on powerpc based systems?
 > >I'm trying to get it running on a custon 7410 based board with two 69030's
 > >on,a nd i;'m seing soem off things:
 > >...
 > >Also does anyone know the reason for the addition of 0x800000 to the base
 > >address in the big-endian case?
 > Many graphics chips include two separate "views" of the frame buffer: one
 > that swaps bytes, one that does not.  This makes it easy to handle endian
 > mismatches.  I'm guessing that's the case here.

Right, that's exactly the reason for this. The BE support was tested
for one of the HiQV chipsets - however I'm not sure if it was tested
for the 69030.

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