On Sat, 25 Oct 2003, Michel [ISO-8859-1] Dänzer wrote:

>>  > [EMAIL PROTECTED] is an ML anyone can subscribe to.  I am, and, I
>>  > believe, so is Egbert.
>> No, not currently. I usually go to the web interface and 
>> look at the open bugs, process new ones that can be handled 
>> quickly, or try to assign them to an expert on the specific 
>> area.
>> There are a lot more areas than we have experts - in these
>> cases I try to work on the ticket myself. This, and the
>> low quality of some of the submissions, consumes a 
>> considerable amount of time.
>Indeed, you're doing most of the bugzilla work alone; it's a pity there
>aren't more people helping with that.

Perhaps, but Egbert and the others contributing do such a good 
job, that if everyone at XFree86.org actively used bugzilla, 
there would be zero open bugs to fix!  ;o)  Where's the challenge 
in that? ;o)

If everyone used bugzilla, we'd have to go out of our ways to 
find new bugs to report just to keep everyone busy.  ;o)

On a much more serious note though, I'm very happy that bugzilla
has worked as well as it has, and I'd like to thank everyone both
at XFree86.org, and in the community for all the contributions
people have made, both reporting bugs, supplying patches, helping
track down various issues, and committing fixes to CVS, etc.,

Good work to everyone who has contributed!

Mike A. Harris

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