
Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
On Sun, 26 Oct 2003, David Dawes wrote:

On Sun, Oct 26, 2003 at 12:37:29PM -0500, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

No, this is about my submitting Cygwin-specific bugs that can't actually be assigned to me for committing them, even though I am the "expert" on Cygwin/XFree86. This thread started to point out the hypocrisy of the situation and to see what the official response to this was.

When I discussed this with you privately a while ago all I got were disrespectful and insulting responses. Now there is more of the same. As a volunteer myself, I don't have to take this type of attitude from you or from anyone else. And I won't.

While I don't know the facts about this private discussion,
I've been involved with XFree86 long enough to see a pattern.

We have lost developers who might have been valuable to us by not giving them CVS access. I'm afraid to say that from the outside it appears
that if David had been able to swallow his pride a little more,
things might have turned out a little different.

Thanks. You know, a lot of people involved in this discussion might think that I have some intimate knowledge of the past history of the XFree86 project and the people in charge. In fact, I did not have this knowledge until yesterday evening. I hadn't even realized that David Dawes was really the one in charge of this project. It never mattered to me. So, if anyone thought I was going after particular people, they were simply wrong: I had no idea who to even ask.

That is another part of the problem here: There is no definition of how or who to approach for CVS access. There is no formal review process. It is entirely subjective and random.

I know that the offer of CVS commit privileges swelled my head,
and that I brought my own agenda to the negotiation; I make
no claim that David acted in an unfriendly manner to me, or even
against XFree86's best interests in not giving me CVS access.
For all I know, privately every developer may act like a prima donna
in negotiating CVS access, and David may be a saint stuffed with
humble pie.

I wasn't even offered CVS commit privileges.

The fact remains that there are developers out there who without CVS
access, who those who don't know the facts think could be making an
even bigger contribution if they did have access.

Yes, it is a said state of affairs.


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