Angel Fradejas wrote:
> The way sendsms requests get their way, I think this is not an easy thing to
> do. First, smsbox takes the request and if it has an empty sender, it puts
> "global-sender". smsbox does not know about smsc's. Then, bearerbox takes
> the request, and it checks for an empty sender. If so, it puts the right
> smsc "default-sender".
> I do not see a way to do your proposal without breaking smsbox/bearerbox
> interface.
> Anyway, I'm happy with the way I implemented that. In real life, one could
> have several smsc links, and have the same sender number for all of them.
> Then set global-sender and that's enough. Or one (like me) could have
> several smsc links, each of them requiring a diferent sender. Then leave
> global-sender unset, and set each smsc default-sender properly.

your patch regarding the "default-sender" directive for the smsc
groups is still scheduled, currently I'm tending for a non commitment,
at least for the current form.

I dislike the issue that one *must* unset "global-sender" in the core
group to make "default-sender"s work in smsc groups. Can you point out
the impacts of situation in mis-configured state? 

Is there a way to let both exist and in general smsbox will apply
first "global-sender" and then bearerbox over-applies for the specific
smsc to "default-sender"?!

At least there was no heavy discussion on this topic, so I'm a bit
unlead here. Some more objections or confirmations from the
developers, please!


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