>Jaap Bouma wrote:
>>  The site still stays 1.0.3 is production and 1.1.5 is definitely NOT
>>  production.
>>  What's the official status on this, and perhaps it would be nice to say
>>  something more specific on the website.
>it's hard to tell what the "official" status is, IMHO.
>I don't know if we will backport bugfixes in the current CVS tree to
>1.0.3. It would be a lot of work and there seems not to be any
>interest as we have a relatively stable version in CVS.
>>From my perspective I would like to tag current CVS as development. As
>soon as we have the major showstoppers issues (see STATUS file) solved
>and at least a couple of us have that version running in productive
>environment for some time (a week or so) I would tag this as stable
>and go on.
>BTW, holding two branches, stable and development is rather
>work-intesive at least for the release manager. A lot other open
>source projects do it with single versioning, are there any objections
>for that?
>I would like to see discussion if the remaining developers prefer the
>two branch or one branch method.

I dont think the size of the project would justify for a two branch 
method. However I think we should definitively release 1.1.6 as a 
"stable" release pretty soon. Its far more stable than 1.0.3 anyway 
and lots of people try to use 1.0.3 and I'm kinda tired to see all 
those messages with the same response: upgrade to CVS. New features 
might not be as stable but as long as it is well documented what 
parts are considered development status it sounds ok to me.

For releasing "stable" 1.1.6 we should now agree to a feature freeze 
and only fix bugs for a while (I got two on my "to do" list) and then 
release it within the next few weeks.


Andreas Fink

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