Aarno Syvänen wrote:

> Andreas Fink wrote:
>>I dont think the size of the project would justify for a two branch
>>method. However I think we should definitively release 1.1.6 as a
>>"stable" release pretty soon. Its far more stable than 1.0.3 anyway
>>and lots of people try to use 1.0.3 and I'm kinda tired to see all
>>those messages with the same response: upgrade to CVS. New features
>>might not be as stable but as long as it is well documented what
>>parts are considered development status it sounds ok to me.

> Additional problem with something tagged "development release" is that
> it is difficult to persuade somebody to use it (this happened at Wapit).

Yes, this is true. And as we do not have too much free resources to 
spend I'd also vote for one branch only.

>>For releasing "stable" 1.1.6 we should now agree to a feature freeze
>>and only fix bugs for a while (I got two on my "to do" list) and then
>>release it within the next few weeks.
> There are MMS additions (and others) to PPG coming. But I agree that a
> stable release now is urgent and more important than some new features.
Errrm, I'd say that in this situation it would be wise to release 1.1.6 

asap so that it is as stable as possible and when the new features have 

been added 1.1.7 can be released with them. Then maybe 1.1.8 would again 

be more like bug fix release perhaps adding some little features etc.

But anyway, whatever we do I feel that the release cycle should be much 
faster than it has been after the latest release.

Tuomas Luttinen
     Application Developer -- Reach U

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